
3 natural methods to eliminate ants from your home

By liliaturcin5

One of the pests that invade our home, especially in summer, are ants. Factors such as heat and humidity are what lead to the appearance of these annoying insects, because they invade our homes and even our food. Therefore, urgent measures must be taken to  eliminate ants from the home.

As we know, ants come to stay in our house, if we don’t do anything to avoid it. They quickly adapt to the corners where they build their nests without us being able to notice it, so once they appear they are difficult to remove completely.

The best decision is prevention, so below we will see  3 natural methods to eliminate ants from the home:

1) Cinnamon

A quality of ants that also becomes a risk for them is that they have a good sense of smell. Therefore, the smell of cinnamon is somewhat unpleasant to them and will serve to exterminate them. Let’s see how to do it:

  1. We add half a teaspoon of cinnamon oil to a cup of water.
  2. Then we soak a cotton ball and use it to wipe it in the areas where the ants live.
  3. We repeat the procedure again until we see that they have disappeared.
  4. Another option is to place whole cinnamon sticks outside near the door or windows.

2) Vinegar

  1. We begin by adding 1 cup of water and vinegar, in equal parts, to a spray container.
  2. Then we add fragrance oil such as lemon.
  3. Next, we shake the container well before using and spray it on the ants’ access points.
  4. At least once a day you should spray these areas where the ants hang out until they are gone permanently.

3) Borax

It is a mineral that is used for most pesticides, we can get it in powder or crystal salt that is colorless.

  1. First, place 1 cup of warm water, half a cup of sugar and 2 tablespoons of borax in a bowl.
  2. Then we dip a little cotton in the mixture.
  3. Next step, we apply this mixture where we see such as doors, where ants enter or in corners where they stay.

Additional tricks:

One trick is to place baking soda in the trash, we know well that the climate enhances odors and attracts all kinds of insects such as ants. Precisely baking soda gives it a harmful effect and scares them away.

You can also take a cotton ball soaked in an essential oil and place it at the bottom of the trash before placing the waste bag.

For such small ants, it is very easy for them to sneak into the house through cracks, crevices and any access, no matter how impossible it may seem. Therefore, it is enough to just use silicone or plaster to seal the holes and entrances.

Especially the cracks and minimal spaces in the kitchen, that is where you have to be vigilant so that they do not install.