
Method to clean silicones in the house when they get dirty

By liliaturcin5

Silicone is a commonly used material in our homes, especially in areas where humidity and water are present, such as bathrooms and kitchens. While durable and strong, silicone can become a breeding ground for mold and mildew over time due to constant exposure to water and moisture.

This not only affects the aesthetics of your home, but can also have health consequences, as mold can trigger respiratory problems. But do not worry! There is an effective method to keep your silicones clean and mold-free.

How to clean silicones when they get dirty

To clean dirty silicone from your home, you will need:


  • Sponge
  • Hot water
  • Bleach or chlorine (sodium hypochlorite)
  • Dish detergent
  • Plastic or latex gloves


1- Preparation:

  • Before you start cleaning, make sure you have a well-ventilated place to work. Also, use plastic or latex gloves to protect your hands.
  • In a bowl, mix hot water with a splash of dish detergent. This will help loosen dirt and grease from the silicone.

2- Initial Cleaning:

  • Dip your sponge into the hot water and detergent mixture and gently rub the silicone. This will remove surface dirt and prepare the surface for deep cleaning.

3- Treatment with Lavandin or Chlorine:

  • Rinse the sponge well and then apply a little bleach or bleach to it. Make sure the sponge is not soaked, but only slightly moistened with the product. Rub the silicone in circular motions.
  • After applying bleach or chlorine, let it act for a few minutes. This will kill any mold or mildew that is present.

4- Deep Cleaning:

  • Rub the silicone again with the sponge moistened with the hot water and detergent mixture. This will remove any bleach or chlorine residue and leave the silicone clean and disinfected.
  • Rinse the silicone well with hot water to remove any chemical residue. Dry it completely with a clean, dry cloth.
  • To prevent mold and mildew from returning, make sure the area is well ventilated. Also, try to dry the silicone after each use, especially in bathrooms and kitchens.

This silicone cleaning method is effective and safe when done properly. Bleach or chlorine will help disinfect and prevent mold from forming, while dish detergent will remove dirt and grease.

Keeping your silicones clean and mold-free will not only improve the aesthetics of your home, but will also contribute to a healthier environment. So get to work and keep your silicones impeccable!