
Why should you not leave the charger plugged in without a device charging?

By liliaturcin5

Many rumors are circulating on social networks. Among them, we find the one which alleges that a charger connected to empty can start a fire.

Therefore, many people wonder if this risk really exists or if it is just erroneous information. In this article, we explain to you the reasons why you should no longer leave your charger plugged in empty.
Today, smartphones and tablets are an integral part of our lives. In this sense, it is not uncommon that in the evening we decide to charge several devices simultaneously in a multiple socket.

In reality, electronic devices have become tools that we cannot part with, and providing them with electrical power is part of our almost daily routine.

But sometimes we power our mobile devices, unplug them but forget the charger plugged into wall sockets or even a cigarette lighter socket.

Here are the risks you run when you leave your charger plugged in empty.

A risk of domestic incidents

You have probably already forgotten your charger plugged into an empty socket. Whether it’s a computer charger, phone charger, electronic cigarette charger or other device, there is a risk that the device will overheat if you leave it plugged in empty.

In addition, certain models of chargers do not comply with regulations regarding marking and electrical safety. And for good reason, tests were carried out by experts from the federal consumer union Que Choisir and discovered that models from China included considerable risks.

Some have imperfect insulation between the input and output of the charger, which includes a risk of electric shock. In addition, some electrical components are poorly assembled, or are of poor quality.