
How to make orange jam

By liliaturcin5

Orange Jam Recipe 

Preparing orange marmalade is very simple and very healthy. It is ideal to eat with toast or to prepare in a dessert. It is very delicious and has no comparison with industrialized jams.

Orange candy Ingredients

  • 800 grams of oranges
  • 400 grams of white sugar approximately (or a little less if you don’t want it so sweet)*
  • Juice of 1 lemon
  • cinnamon sticks

Preparation: easy preparation: 60 minutes

*Can be replaced with stevia sweetener

  1. Peel and remove the white part of the orange. It is important to remove all the excess so that it does not become bitter.
  2. Put the orange and the colored peel with the sugar in the blender (or processor) for a few seconds. Get the desired texture of the jam.
  3. Add the lemon juice and cinnamon (optional) and place in a saucepan for 40 minutes. The heat must be slow and you must not stop stirring, otherwise it will stick to the bottom of the saucepan.
  4. Once you get a medium thick, non-liquid consistency, remove it from the heat and let it cool.
  5. It is recommended to store it in jars with lids, the sugar will ensure that it remains in good condition for a long period of time.

Recommendations for preparing orange candy

This recipe serves to consume healthier foods that can be used for breakfasts, snacks and also to incorporate into other recipes such as puddings or cakes.

It is recommended to remove the white part of the orange due to the bitter taste it leaves. If you like the flavor, you can leave it.

If you want to make light orange marmalade, without sugar, use the same ingredients but replace the sugar with stevia. It is a good option for diabetic people or for personal care.

Keep in mind that the amount of sugar should be half the amount of oranges used to make the jam.