
Homemade Limoncello

By liliaturcin5

Homemade Limoncello is a typical Italian liqueur made by hand, which is why it has a delicious flavor. It is prepared from lemon peels and other citrus fruits (depending on the region and taste).

The origin of Homemade Limoncello can be found in the region of Campania (Italy) made with lemons grown on the Amalfi Coast , although it is also produced in other countries such as the United States or the Dominican Republic. 

Limoncello recipe

If you like Italian cuisine, Homemade Limoncello is the ideal liquor to accompany it. Do you want to know how it is prepared? Here we explain the process step by step!


  • 7 large lemons.
  • Sugar (1,350 kilo).
  • Edible mouth alcohol 1 liter
  • Water 3 liters

We also recommend having on hand

  • Glass container.
  • Knife.
  • Wooden shovel.
  • Bowl.
  • Kitchen strainer.
  • Stainless steel saucepan.

How to make Homemade Limoncello

Preparing homemade Limoncello requires a lot of attention to detail, so stay tuned.

  • We will start by removing the peel from the lemons . But be careful! You only have to cut the top part of the shell. That is, your lemon will keep the citrus part and the white part. You will only remove the shell! Anything white that remains stuck to the shell can be removed by scratching it with the tip of the knife, making sure it does not break.
  • Later, we will place all the peels that we have cut in a glass container and add the edible alcohol, making sure that it covers the entire lemon.
  • Then we will stir a little, making the alcohol penetrate to the last lemon peel and we will let it rest for a couple of minutes, until the lemon settles to the bottom .
  • The next step will be to mix lightly again with the wooden paddle.
  • Once this is done, we will let our mixture rest for 7 days , making sure that not even a ray of sunlight hits the bottle, it has to be in a completely dark place without light or anything like that. Eye! Every 2 or 3 days stir the alcohol very slightly.
  • After 7 days, we are going to strain the alcohol (twice), separating it from the lemon peels.

Syrup for Limoncello

  • For now we are going to leave it like this. Now, what we will do is place the 3 liters of water in a stainless steel saucepan (it cannot be aluminum) and we will add the total amount of sugar (to create the syrup).
  • Then we will put it to boil. When the boiling process begins, we will leave it for 10 more minutes.
  • Later we remove the saucepan from the heat and let it cool until it is at room temperature.

Alcohol and syrup mixture

  • Once cold, we will stir and add the alcohol (which we have previously strained).
  • The next step will be to mix it for a while in the saucepan and bottle it to give it a more special touch.
  • We let this mixture rest for about 5 days.
  • Finally, we will let it cool in the refrigerator for a whole day.