
How to make homemade carrulim

By liliaturcin5

Carrulim is an ancestral drink of the Guaraní culture, a tradition that has been transmitted through generations in Latin America. In Paraguay, Carrulim is a classic, a version of the cane with rue that includes lemon. It is said that drinking this drink on an empty stomach during the first day of the month of August helps ward off bad luck and attract the blessings of nature. Below, we present a simple and authentic recipe to prepare homemade Carrulim and enjoy its refreshing flavor and spiritual symbolism.

On July 29, 2019, the National Secretariat of Culture (SNC Paraguay) decided:

«Declare Carrulim, a mixture of cane, rue and lemon, a traditional Paraguayan drink, as Intangible Cultural Heritage. Its inherent social practices are transmitted from generation to generation and are carried out every August 1 to purify the blood and attract good luck, in the field of knowledge and uses related to nature and the universe.”


  • 1 liter of white cane juice
  • 3 tablespoons of honey
  • 2 lemons
  • Male rue leaves


Step 1: Crush the rue leaves In a mortar, place the male rue leaves and crush them gently. Rue is a plant with spiritual and protective properties in the Guaraní tradition, so this step is essential to infuse Carrulim with its benefits.

Step 2: Mix the ingredients In a jug, pour the white cane juice and add the crushed rue leaves. Squeeze the juice from the lemons and add it to the jug. Then, add the tablespoons of honey to sweeten the drink.

Step 3: Mix all the ingredients Carefully stir all the ingredients in the jar to ensure they are mixed properly. Rue, cane juice, lemon and honey will come together to create Carrulim, a drink with a unique flavor and spiritual meaning.

The tradition of taking the Carrulim

According to the Guaraní culture, Carrulim must be taken on an empty stomach during the first day of the month of August. It is customary to drink three drinks of this refreshing drink to ward off bad luck and receive the blessings of Pachamama, mother earth.

The act of taking Carrulim is more than simply drinking a beverage; It is a spiritual act that seeks to connect with nature and give thanks for its gifts and protection. It is believed that rue, known for its purifying properties, and honey, a symbol of sweetness and prosperity, come together to provide protection and abundance in the lives of those who consume it.

Carrulim is an ancient drink from the Guaraní culture that offers not only a refreshing flavor but also a deep spiritual and symbolic meaning. By preparing and drinking this drink on the first day of the month of August, we follow an ancient tradition to attract the blessings of nature and ward off bad luck. With simple ingredients such as cane juice, lemon, honey and rue leaves, we can enjoy an authentic homemade Carrulim and connect with our cultural roots. Health and prosperity!