
This plant; just by putting a twig with holy water

By liliaturcin5

How to use rue?
Nowadays, rue is a symbol of protection and energetic renewal. Their mere presence in our home gives us a feeling of security. Although its most frequent use is on August 1, Pachamama Day, when the myth says that we should take three sips of cane with rue to maintain health, we can take advantage of its advantages throughout the year. The simplest way we can take advantage of its positive force is by placing a male rue to the left of the entrance to our home or, if it is female, to the right. We can also use incense, essences, candles or prepare dry rue incense with charcoal in order to soothe the atmosphere.

Home energy cleansing ritual
How many times do we feel tired or in a bad mood in our own home and we don’t know why? Or do things break, one after another, for no reason? Or do we perceive that nothing flows and everything we generate there costs us too much?

It’s probably a question of energy. On the one hand, all the loads that we can enter from outside, but also that of those who come to visit us or, for some reason, pass through the entrance door. To cleanse this bad vibe, we must light a charcoal in a bowl. Once the first white smoke comes out, we add a good handful of dried rue leaves. Also, if we have it, you can add a sprig of dried rosemary or a teaspoon of incense.

We close the windows and doors of the house and open the closets. Starting from the entrance door, we walk around the house in a clockwise direction. We went through all the rooms except the bathroom. In each room we stand in the corners and in each one we turn the bowl three times, always asking that everything good enter our home and everything negative be removed. Once we finish the tour, behind the entrance door we leave the bowl so that the rue can finish burning. We open all the windows in the house to let out the smoke and we close the closets.

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