
Benefits of cilantro and parsley

By liliaturcin5

Coriander and parsley are plants that are widely used in gastronomy to enhance the flavor of foods and decorate dishes. They have many medicinal properties and are great diuretics. They can help eliminate kidney stones and eliminate fluid retention. They can improve health at the liver and digestive level, they can level cholesterol and stabilize blood sugar, you can improve the functions of the liver and pancreas, there are many plants that can help us overcome diseases in our body but probably do not. we know.

This home remedy that I am going to teach you how to prepare is very good for detoxifying the body. The organs that will benefit most will be the pancreas, liver and kidneys. Take note of this home remedy and take into account if you feel that your body is working hard. . The ingredients and preparation are very simple, but the results are wonderful, in a short time you will eliminate toxins from your body and you will feel much better in just a few days. I hope you can tell us about the results and help us reach more people.

Remedy to detoxify kidneys, pancreas and liver
You are going to take a bunch of each of these plants and you are going to boil them in a liter of water, you will add it when the water starts to boil, let them cook for 10 minutes , turn off and cover without straining, let it rest.

When the mixture cools, strain it and store it in a glass container with a lid. You will drink two cups of this water a day, cold or hot. Your urine will change color, but don’t be scared, this is normal. color is because you are eliminating toxins from your body.

Do it for as long as you consider it necessary and until you begin to feel better, you will see that little by little you will begin to change physically and emotionally.

We ask you again that you do not forget to share this information on your social networks. It is important that we all know how to cleanse the body of toxins that accumulate in the body.

Another way to prepare it
What we will need:
– Coriander (1 bunch).
– Parsley (1 bunch).

Preparation and use:
To begin, we must cut the cilantro and parsley leaves into not very large pieces. Now, you will put the leaves in a pot and add water until the leaves are completely covered. Then, you will turn on the heat and let the substance boil for 10 minutes with the pot covered. Once that time is up, you will turn off the heat and let the mixture rest, covered, until it cools. Finally, you will put the substance in a bottle and close it.
You should drink 1 glass of this powerful cold infusion every day. You will repeat this procedure until you notice significant changes in your kidneys. This will not only remove the stones in them, it will also detoxify them completely. Now that you know, don’t waste time and prepare this natural remedy today. You can be sure that as soon as you start taking it, you will notice the difference in your body.