
Fig leaves

By liliaturcin5

These leaves contain high amounts of natural insulin, making them ideal for people who suffer from diabetes. We talked to you about fig leaves. Another property attributed to fig leaves is to reduce triglyceride levels in the body, especially if the fruit of this plant, the fig, is consumed regularly. And for those who suffer from stomach ulcers, regular consumption of the fruit of this plant also offers healing benefits.

Although it may seem surprising, fig leaves have high doses of natural insulin, so it can be very interesting for people who have diabetes. You will not need to inject such a large amount of insulin.

Son leaves help reduce triglyceride levels in the body. If we are able to eat them frequently we will avoid being overweight and heart attacks.

Our digestive system will also appreciate the consumption of figs due to the large amount of fiber they contain. It is a good option for people who want to lose weight, since it has the quality of speeding up digestion, also being a good laxative for people with constipation problems.

Blood pressure:
People who suffer from hypertension are also advised to eat figs. This is because it is rich in potassium, a mineral capable of reducing artery pressure.

Antioxidant properties:
Different research has shown that figs have antioxidant characteristics. To enjoy these benefits, it would be enough to take a couple of dried figs a day. Enjoying the benefits of the fig and its leaves is within the reach of anyone.