
Baking soda, because everyone rushes to spread it on the mattress: incredible what happens

By liliaturcin5

Baking soda is a great ally in the kitchen, we can use it in a thousand ways, in addition to cooking any dish, it is useful for cleaning and hygiene. Not only does it always give the desired effect, but it is not even harmful to health and has no contraindications of any kind.

You can pour it into the washing machine, you can use it to clean embedded dishes, as well as to wash the stove.  It is even useful as a beauty remedy  , to wash hair and soften it.

Today we discovered that  you can also spread it on your mattress  to eliminate all bad odors and more.

Baking soda in the mattress, that’s why

In summer and sometimes even in cold weather,  it happens that you sweat while sleeping.  The sheets are usually changed, because it goes without saying that they smell terribly and remain damp for many hours.

The problem is that changing the sheets even several times a week is not enough, because the  mattress remains wet, damp and can cause  serious damage and problems in the long run. This is why it can be useful to refresh the mattress. For this you don’t need suitable products, just follow some tips and implement some tricks and the game will be over  in no time.

Make a refreshing solution in minutes with baking soda

The miraculous solution  is to combine two products in particular  : two tablespoons of baking soda and water. Simply fill the bowl with 500 ml of water, then add two tablespoons of baking soda and, if you want, 25 drops of lavender essential oil or tea tree oil to perfume the mattress and help you sleep.

Baking soda is useful because  it disinfects and fights the appearance of mold  and mildew. Lavender essential oil, on the other hand, provides a pleasant aroma to the mattress and allows those who have difficulty falling asleep to fall asleep  quickly and without too much discomfort or problems  .

How to use the solution on the mattress.

To apply  the baking soda solution to the mattress  , simply use a cloth, first moistened with the solution and then allowed to dry. A spray bottle can also be useful, it is advisable not to spray the solution too close because the mattress must be damp and not wet, otherwise it is difficult to dry and ends up smelling bad.

The best thing would be to change  the sheets and take the mattress outside,  in the open air, where you can enjoy the action of the Sun. The rays that hit the mattress kill the bacteria and mites present and make the mattress return to good condition. . like new, completely sanitized.

This is a trick that allows you to eliminate  existing mites  and act as a barrier for new ones. After using the water and baking soda solution, you can use the vacuum cleaner that will allow you to vacuum up the insects and eggs present.

After cleaning with water and baking soda  , you can sprinkle the mattress with pure baking soda, then use a brush to rub it into every corner, to make sure it reaches everywhere. Let it sit for a couple of hours and then use a vacuum cleaner to remove the excess.  The operation is quick and simple  , but it must be done on each side periodically for it to really work and give good results.

Stained mattress, here is the solution

If the mattress is stained,  it can be repaired in a few steps  using a few minor ingredients, which are nevertheless miraculous. Mattresses often have very annoying yellow stains caused by sweat.

To eliminate them, simply use vinegar,  which must be sprayed and then left to act for about 10 minutes.  Then you spread the baking soda on top and let it act. In a few minutes the stain will no longer be there.

Another type of stain, which  is never missing from mattresses, are blood stains  . The trick in this case is different. Mix a cup of hydrogen peroxide with a little salt and Marseille soap. What comes out is a thick paste. The mixture should be spread directly on the mattress. Then it is left to act until it dries completely.  At this point the waste is eliminated  . Rub the mattress slowly with  a cloth soaked in hydrogen peroxide and that’s it  . In a few seconds and without stress or effort, the blood stain is gone.