
Dish Soap in the Toilet, a Life-Changing Move: You’ll Do It Every Day

By liliaturcin5

Dish soap is not only used to wash dishes, after lunch, after dinner or after breakfast, but it can be used in a thousand other ways that no one knows about.

Above all,  it is capable of solving a problem that sometimes causes discomfort  : that of a clogged toilet. When you have a clogged toilet, you don’t really know what  to do, especially when you have guests over.  However, whether it is due to a mistake or a problem with the pipes, the problem can occur at any time so you should always be prepared and know how to best react.

We usually  think about asking a professional for help  , so we call a plumber and have him intervene at any time, whether day or night, weekday or weekend. Calling the professional already means spending a lot of money. Doing it on the weekend or at inappropriate times is really crazy.

No to extreme solutions

We concluded that this is obviously an extreme solution that should be avoided as much as possible, when possible. Also because  there are many other solutions that can be useful  and that allow you to solve the problem, at least initially, partially or completely.  Then, you can ask a plumber to carry out a check  , but the cost of the call will certainly not be the same.

To spend less, you can also use chemical products sold in all stores that  deal with personal and home care  , or supermarkets. These also have a significant cost, but are also harmful to health. In addition, being very aggressive, they can also  damage toilets  if used incorrectly or with little care.

Organic remedies, a miracle product that saves lives

Then,  there are the classic natural remedies,  those from grandmother, that can be put into play, without spending who knows how much money, to try to solve the problem we face, in a very short time and without too much energy.

Among these quick and miraculous solutions  is dish detergent that counteracts the panic caused by a clogged toilet in just a few moments.

How to Use Dish Soap to Clean Toilet Clogs

The first thing we need to do  is heat 4 liters of water in a saucepan  , then add half a cup of dish detergent and pour it directly into the toilet. The important thing is that it stays on for at least an hour. The time varies depending on the type of problem you have and therefore the obstruction that has been created.  After that the bathroom will be like new  , perfectly functional.

It may be helpful to know  that  dish detergent mixed with hot water  takes care of any problem, any clog that may be difficult to remove at first glance. At most you can make several attempts, because it may happen that the blockage does not disappear on the first attempt. The remedy can be put into practice every day to prevent blockages from forming.

Removes dirt and scale and fights germs, bacteria and bad odors.

Dish detergent can also be used to remove stubborn dirt and fight bacteria, germs, and bad odors. Both are perfect, as for the internal part, pour it over the edges and  let it sit for approximately half an hour.  Then use the brush to scrub and wring out the water to remove any residue.

For external cleaning, pass with a sponge directly on the surfaces,  foam is formed and therefore it is necessary to pass over it a second time. To rinse you can use just water or water with vinegar. The same remedy is useful for  cleaning grout or floors.