
Sparkling water to water, what happens to plants after a few seconds

By liliaturcin5

This is what can happen to plants after a few seconds if you water them with sparkling water.

Many have always wondered if it is possible to use sparkling water to water indoor plants. The  answer in this sense is affirmative  . Water in the bubble version is an optimal aid for various home gardening operations. Let’s see why.

The use of sparkling water for people: the benefits

In many Italian families there is the presence of water in the  sparkling variant,  since many prefer it to the classic one. But this type of water is generally used to quench thirst.

In fact, bubbles have important properties that are highly appreciated by people who choose them daily, such as quenching thirst, but not only.

This type of water offers   effective digestive  functions ,  an aspect of considerable importance for those people who have digestive difficulties.

Therefore, those who have problems related to indigestion or a form of heaviness in the stomach prefer to drink  water with bubbles  . This considering that it is perfect for this type of people, also thanks to the carbon dioxide present in sparkling water.

Few, however, are aware of an aspect of great importance, regarding one of the optional features related to the use of this type of water.

In fact, one of the most valid uses of bubble water is associated with  gardening.  This is because it is precisely the presence of these precious bubbles inside, which can be a valid support when you want to take care of your plants in the best way.

This was established thanks to specific studies, which highlighted how  sparkling water  can be an excellent ally for plants. This is because it greatly stimulates its growth.

Why is carbonated water good for plants?

The use of sparkling water connected to the irrigation of plants is absolutely feasible. This is based precisely on the studies that have been carried out in this regard, which not only fully confirm it, but are also  quite surprising.

As a result of a study carried out precisely by the University of Colorado in 2002, it was found that water with bubbles is ideal for plants, since it tends to improve their health conditions in a highly visible way.

One of the reasons is undoubtedly the following:  many nutrients dissolve in this water  and are then assimilated by the roots.

Among these elements we find, for example,  hydrogen, phosphorus and potassium  . Some of the most important nutrients to allow plants to grow faster, healthier and a much brighter shade of green.

That is why it is advisable to start getting used to using sparkling water to water your plants. Although it is still a habit that has not yet spread, it is a practice that can bring  enormous benefits to indoor plants.

Helpful Tips: Do’s and Don’ts

But let’s try to understand how to do it in detail: it is advisable to practice this form  of watering at least once a week.

The perfect time is the afternoon, so you can go and regenerate your plants from any heat during the day.

In any case, it is essential to remember that the water used must be at  room temperature.

To spray properly, water around the base of the plant without wetting its leaves. This is because wet leaves are more prone to disease. This is the reason why you must show a lot of attention and meticulousness during this process.

Finally, before using sparkling water, you should check that it does not contain sugar so as  not to worsen the health of the plants.

Sparkling water and plants, a perfect combination

As previously reported, several studies support this, such as the one carried out by the  University of Colorado  in 2002 that highlighted how sparkling water is capable of promoting the development of plants and preserving their health.

On the other hand, there are different nutrients inside it which, as mentioned, are   magnesium, hydrogen, oxygen, calcium, sulfur, phosphorus, carbon and potassium.

Precisely thanks to these plants they can grow healthy and with a beautiful green.

As strange as it may seem, it is important to start taking it into consideration for the good of our plants, remembering to implement small measures to prevent their health from getting worse.

For example, if the water contains sugar or salt, it can make it quite difficult for the roots to absorb it and, for example, attract ants  .

In short, even if some actions may seem harmless, they can really ruin everything.

From today, therefore, this  good news is in your baggage of knowledge.