
One slice in the plants and you won’t believe the results: they are immediate

By liliaturcin5

Did you know that you just need to put a slice in the plants to get excellent and immediate results? Let’s find out what it is and how to use this ingredient!

By putting garlic cloves in plants you will get excellent results and you will find it hard to believe it. In fact, the results are immediate and you can immediately see the improvements on the plants. These will remain perfectly healthy and grow luxuriantly. Don’t know how to use garlic? Here’s what you need to know and how to use this natural ingredient!

Bitter snails enemies of plants

Animals that are devastating to plants, both those in the garden and those in the garden,  snails have the power to weaken plants and if  there are many of them even destroy them. From mid-April to mid-October, they can proliferate incredibly and invade vegetable plots and gardens. When they attack plants, the leaves appear pierced and have no vitality because the animals deprive them of all food. Weakening can lead to plants drying out, but to prevent this from happening, there is a powerful natural remedy you  can put into practice immediately to  stop this devastation.

Cloves of garlic

We are talking about garlic, especially garlic powder, which acts immediately and ensures incredible results in a short time.  Your plants will come back to life  and look reinvigorated and healthy, so don’t give up and fertilize with the best garlic powder you’ve ever used!

The benefits of garlic on plants

The trick of using garlic on plants is very old and also particularly effective  in repelling midges, insects and snails.  In addition, it provides considerable nourishment to plants, necessary to ensure their proper growth. In addition to being able to be used in the form of a clove, garlic can also be used in the  powdered version,  to be placed in the ground to give a nice boost to weaker plants. In pots or in the garden, garlic powder will exert all its actions on plants,  promoting the growth of healthy and whole leaves. The roots will remain healthy and flowering will be abundant. You don’t need a large amount, just a few tablespoons. The  natural method helps protect plants  from traps and also makes them resistant to climate change. Let’s find out how to use garlic powder to invigorate plants and make them last perfectly for a long time.


How to prepare garlic powder

Finding garlic powder is very simple, you can in fact buy it in supermarkets or herbalists. If you don’t want to buy it, you can prepare  garlic powder directly at home, here’s  what you need to do:

  • Peel the garlic and put it in the blender;
  • Blend until reduced to powder.

To have a good quantity, it is best to mix a whole head and keep it aside to prepare the product suitable for the luxuriant growth of your plants. Once you have garlic powder ready to use, here is the procedure for  putting it in the ground .

Fertilize with garlic powder

Preparing fertilizer with garlic powder for your plants to grow healthy is simple , just dissolve it in water. Here’s how to do it:

  • Put 1 liter of water in a container;
  • Add a teaspoon of garlic powder;
  • Stir for 3 minutes until well dissolved;
  • At this point, put the solution into the jar.

The plants will not be attacked by snails, which are responsible for the eaten leaves, and can therefore grow luxuriantly. This is a great natural solution to use to prevent snails from attacking plants. You can use the  mixture on any type of plant . Additionally, you can also transfer the solution  to a spray bottle and spray it  on the plants, measuring the amount to your liking. As you can see, this natural method is capable  of ensuring excellent results  and will guarantee beautiful flowers and lush foliage. In addition, the plants will better resist attacks from weeds and even the cold.