
The mother-in-law’s tongue plant; This plant is a treasure and you probably didn’t know

By liliaturcin5

Start Home remedies The mother-in-law’s tongue plant; This plant is a treasure and for sure…

If you are a plant lover, then you surely know of the well-known king’s sword plant, also called mother-in-law’s tongue or Cow’s tongue, this can be ornamental or decorative.

It is aesthetically pleasing, but it can also be very useful to purify the air in our homes, because the mother-in-law’s tongue can absorb toxins and gases that can endanger our health.

Mother-in-law’s tongue not only cleans the environment, but it can also be used to repair the kidneys, prostate, and liver.

Mother-in-law’s tongue is an essential treasure in our family. In several studies carried out by NASA, this West African plant, belonging to the Dracaena genus, has been confirmed as an excellent purifier since it eliminates toxins such as nitrogen oxides, benzene, formaldehyde, xylene and ethylene trichloride.

On the other hand, a study from the Autonomous University of Puebla in Mexico also found that the king’s sword plant or mother-in-law’s tongue helps reduce inflammation, but that’s not all.

It was also discovered that an infusion of this plant can restore the kidneys in just 9 days.

If you have kidney problems, just cut the leaves of this plant and put it in 1 liter of water for 30 minutes, then you can start drinking a glass every 4 hours, this treatment must be done within 9 days.

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You can grow this plant in a small or large pot, it all depends on how you want it. The best thing about this plant is that it does not need much soil or much water, since it can last up to 6 weeks without water.

To keep the mother-in-law’s tongue healthy, it is important that it does not get too wet, as it is an enemy of humidity and it is best to keep it in a shady place with shade and sun. This plant is not only famous for mother-in-law’s tongue, but it can also be called by the following names: king’s sword, bull’s tongue, St. George’s sword, lizard’s tail and snake plant.

I have had this plant in my home for many years and I really love it, its leaves are medicinal and have helped me a lot with some health problems.

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