
Don’t let the mites in your bed and clothes eat you alive! Spray this on them and you’ll never hear from them again.

By liliaturcin5

Start Recipes Don’t let mites in your bed and clothes eat you…

In addition to eliminating moisture, dirt and all types of bacteria, including mites, baking soda is a deodorizer, so our mattress will regain that “new smell.”

Do you know how many mites may be living in your mattress right now? Between 100,000 and 10,000,000 depending on their age.

It is a direct risk to our health. It is even possible that, today, you are suffering from allergies.

Insomnia problems without knowing that the real problem “sleeps” every day on your mattress.

Experts recommend changing the mattress every 10 years, but everything will also depend on its quality and how you feel about it.

What we are clear about is that, throughout the useful life of a mattress, it is essential to carry out periodic cleanings in order to get rid of the feared mites.


You may have heard on more than one occasion about that study that recommends “not making the bed” or, at least, allowing about two hours to pass before making it. Well, this theory is only partly true. It is essential that we open the windows to let the air ventilate the bed.

We must remember that mites are arthropods, that is, they have an exoskeleton. Therefore, when we die, that skin and that external skeleton will remain attached to our sheets, pillows and mattresses, being a source of danger for any allergic person.

The normal thing is to change the sheets every week and, with this, we renew the bed and the danger of mites, but what happens with the mattress? It is the part of the bed where dust mites are most often stored, both live and dead, that is, with their exoskeletons still attached. It is therefore essential to disinfect the mattress at least once a month.


Mites are microscopic-sized arachnids that can easily penetrate the fabric of our sheets from the mattress. That is, even if you regularly change your sheets, the presence of mites in the mattress can still be dangerous.
You should know that allergic reactions come from two sources: from the mites’ feces and from the dead mites themselves. That is why, even if you ventilate your bed and decide not to, their skeletons will continue to adhere to the fabric, causing health problems.

One of the most common symptoms for your health is suffering from allergies, symptoms that would begin with watery eyes, red eyes, sneezing, asthma, cough, runny nose, sore throat.

Waking up with a lot of rheumy in your eyes is also usually an effect of mites.

Skin problems, insomnia and headaches are also symptoms that we must take into account. If your mattress is more than 10 years old, these will be one of the most obvious effects on our health.


What do I need to clean and disinfect my mattress?

A glass of baking soda (250 grams).
5 drops of tea tree essential oil.
A plastic container with a lid.
A strainer or sieve.


The first thing we will do is remove the sheets and take the mattress to a place where the sun shines and where we have enough space to move and clean it. The ideal is, without a doubt, a balcony or terrace.


Because it is an essential, economical and effective element to help us in our daily cleaning. It allows us to eliminate humidity, deodorize and eliminate all types of bacteria, dirt and, above all, annoying mites. As for tea tree essential oil, as you already know, it is one of the best natural disinfectants that exist. You can easily find it in natural stores. It is not expensive and will be used for a multitude of applications: to make hand sanitizers, to clean the bathroom, or the kitchen… It has a pleasant smell and will also make your mattress have that pleasant “new” aroma again.

What we are going to do is very simple. Take a plastic container and place 250 grams of baking soda in it. Now add the 5 drops of essential oil and stir well so that the two things mix.

Now, using a sieve or strainer, spread this mixture based on baking soda and essential oil on your mattress. First we will do it on one side and allow it to act for an hour. Next, do it on the other side and let it act for an hour as well. In this way, we will disinfect our mattress.

Finally, all you have to do is run your vacuum cleaner over the surface of the mattress to remove all the dirt stuck to the baking soda. As you can see, this is a really easy trick and ideal to do once a month. In this way, you will get a deeper and healthier rest, you will notice it especially when you get up in the morning. Do we put it into practice? Share!