
Don’t throw away lemon seeds – this is how to use them to grow a lemon tree

By liliaturcin5

Start Creativity Don’t throw away lemon seeds: this is how they are used to…

What happens when you put lemon seeds in a glass of water? You may not know it, but everything is good in lemon.

In fact, it is not uncommon to use lemon zest in cooking, this small piece of citrus peel to provide a refreshing and acidic flavor to a number of culinary preparations.

Located between the zest and segments of the fruit, ziste can be grated to flavor cakes and desserts. The supremes can be taken to prepare all types of dishes, whether salty or sweet. But what about lemon seeds? What can they be used for? If you think they are doomed to end up in the landfill, you are wrong!

Seeds from a lemon slice.
Grow a lemon tree using a lemon seed
If you don’t know it, you should know that it is possible to grow and obtain a lemon tree using lemon seeds. Then you can get great lemons without having to pay a dime! To achieve this, simply follow the following method:

Get an organic lemon, cut it in half and collect the seeds of this citrus. Do not hesitate to recover 4 or 5 to put all the chances of success on your side.

Take a glass and fill it with warm water and then pour in the lemon seeds that you have collected beforehand.

Get a piece of absorbent paper that you have moistened with water, you can use the water present in the glass. Then place the lemon seeds in it, covering them with another paper towel. Finally, put everything in a zippered plastic bag and place it in a dark place.

After 10 days, you can open the envelope. From that moment on, you will be able to see that the seeds have germinated.

Take some pots that you will fill with potting soil and plant the lemon seeds in while sprinkling them with water. Also, don’t worry if the paper towel has stuck to the seeds, it won’t affect their growth.

Lemon seeds in a jar
Remember to place your pots little by little in a sunny place in the house, keeping the soil constantly moist. After about twenty days and being exposed to full light for at least 8 hours, you will notice the appearance of the first sprouts.

If after two months, you find that all your seeds have grown at the same time, consider separating them by placing them in a pot.

Once the baby lemon tree outgrows it, you can transplant it to a larger one or even a garden. Also note that it is advisable to plant the seeds in late winter or early spring.

Now you know how to use lemon seeds to produce and grow your own lemon tree!