
With this method, watering plants while you are on vacation will no longer be a problem

By liliaturcin5

An easy and quick method allows you to water plants even when you are forced to stay away from home for some time. Watering plants Anyone who has one or more plants in the house or garden knows how important it is to pay close attention to watering, so that the plants grow strong and lush and guarantee a long life for the plants. Therefore, it takes care and dedication to fully admire the beauty of the plants. But what to do when you are forced to be away from home for a certain period of time? The first thing that comes to mind is to contact a trusted person (friends, family, partner, co-workers) to water the plants. However, there is also a method that allows plants to continue receiving the necessary watering even without resorting to other people. Watering plants even if you are not at home: the foolproof method The first thing to do is get two plastic bottles, one larger and one smaller. This is because we will have to cut the final part of the largest bottle: from the bottom we calculate six centimeters of height and proceed to cutting. Once this step is completed, the smaller bottle is taken, which will be placed vertically inside the bottom of the larger bottle. With a marker we are also going to mark the maximum limit of the tank on the small bottle, which will coincide with the height of the bottom of the largest bottle. Watering plants Half a centimeter below this mark that we will leave with the marker, let’s make a small square (possibly with a different color marker). With the help of a cutter we will remove the plastic from this square, so that there is a small window through which the water will come out. Once this step has also been completed, take a piece of fabric and obtain a strip about 35 centimeters long. This strip of fabric should be placed over a piece of aluminum foil, which will be wrapped around the strip. We will have to be careful to remove about 4 centimeters of fabric from the wrapped aluminum foil. All that remains is to fold the wrapped aluminum and place it inside the bottom of the plastic bottle where we have already placed the smaller bottle. The method is also perfect for vases. What we are doing is nothing more than drip irrigation. The base must be placed on the ground, with a depth of approximately half a centimeter: inside we will place the smallest plastic bottle filled with water, which will come out of the window and fill the lower part (which will act as a reservoir). ). Once this is done, the wrapped (and folded) aluminum is applied inside the base, which will act as a sprayer instead. In a short time, water droplets will begin to come out of the sprinkler and therefore water the plants’ soil. Watering plants But what happens if we realize that irrigation is occurring at too high a rate? Don’t worry, as it is also possible to regulate watering. All you have to do is tighten the wrapped sheet more so that the water passes more slowly and ensures adequate watering. This method is also perfect for the pots we have at home, as long as some kind of small container is used that can withstand the irrigation system. The idea is really sensational and allows you to go on vacation even for a few weeks without the plants being affected.