

By liliaturcin5

You have probably also asked yourself this question: why do rosemary leaves curl downward and tend to fall? We have the answer. Here’s what happens and how to prevent it from happening again.

Rosemary with curly leaves

Rosemary with curly leaves  ,  opaque in color and not very fragrant  : what is happening to our wonderful  aromatic plant  ? Here is the explanation that many ignore.


What  wonderful smell do rosemary leaves give off  ? It is undoubtedly one of  the most fragrant aromatic plants in the world  , but also extraordinary to use in cooking. There are many recipes that lend themselves to the use of its  leaves.  We are not only talking about dishes that require this fragrant condiment but also  herbal teas and healing decoctions.

Rosemary plant

In this regard, it is important to emphasize that  rosemary leaves have been used since Antiquity to  naturally treat conditions and pathologies, particularly digestive ones.

Did you know that this  aromatic plant helps improve digestion, blood circulation and relieve headaches and migraines  ? Also perfect if you suffer from  flatulence  , with its leaves you can make an excellent decoction or herbal tea with proven effectiveness.

It is not difficult to grow a rosemary plant  . With the right attention, it can live just as well at home, on the windowsill or on the balcony. However, if you notice  its leaves curling and drooping  , that means there is a problem. What is? Let’s find out together.

Why Rosemary Leaves Curl Downward

Even someone who doesn’t have an expert green thumb can care for a  rosemary plant  . It does not require special attention, but like all our green gems, if neglected the risk of dying is very high.

If you are worried because you have seen your beautiful  plant whose leaves are curling downward or starting to fall off  , pay attention because there is a problem. Your plant is suffering. But because of what? We will tell you:  because you are not watering it correctly!

Curled rosemary leaves

Your rosemary leaves simply need more  water! As with everything, you should never overdo it. When it comes to  irrigation,  you have to pay attention to the  cycle of the seasons.

In  spring and summer, rosemary needs water every 3 days.  In  winter, however, it is enough to check that the soil is always moist  and never dry. On rainy days or weeks, it is advisable not to water it.

Therefore,  to solve the problem of leaves curling and falling downward  , all you need to do is  wet the soil of your plant  . What if you notice  black spots or dots  on the leaves? What does it mean? Also be careful in this case:  Alternaria  , a  “bad” fungus  , is debilitating your plant. To preserve it, try using  potassium soap  : it works wonders!

Watering rosemary

Other  parasites  can also attack the rosemary plant,  scale insects  for example, or  red spiders  : even in this case, the natural remedy based on potassium that we talked about above works.

Take care of  rosemary  , it is a precious treasure not only for you but also for nature. This plant is like a magnet for  insects called pollinators  which contribute to the fertilization of plants and flowers and therefore to the growth and ripening of fruits.