
Never plant tomatoes in the garden without it: throw a handful into the ground

By liliaturcin5

If you want a substantial harvest of good, ripe tomatoes in the garden, you need to add this ingredient to the soil. One handful is enough and you’re done: you never go back.

plant tomatoes

Growing a vegetable garden is neither easy nor quick. It takes time, dedication and  a lot of patience . If there are tomatoes in your garden, this article is for you. Tomato cultivation is governed by  strict rules  to be respected. In addition to all the basic rules to be able to obtain results, it is good to be aware of some secrets that can, without a doubt,  facilitate the process  and give you a more satisfactory result. What we believe is that simple treatments such as water and good sun exposure are enough. It is not like that. For  optimal results , it is strictly necessary that steps be taken through the use of certain ingredients. We are talking, of course,  about natural ingredients  or which cannot in any way be harmful to our tomatoes or to us. Indeed, it is precisely these that make our cultures better, more beautiful and more substantial. Let’s find out  together which ingredient to add  to the soil in which we planted our tomatoes.

Vegetable garden and tomatoes: this is how it works

Growing tomatoes  means creating them independently and having fruit available without worrying about origin or quality. Eating produce from your garden is a  guarantee of freshness . But how can you make tomatoes even tastier than those you find in the supermarket? First of all, you should know that growing these fruits is quite simple  but requires a lot of care . To plant tomatoes, simply place the seeds a few centimeters underground, cover them and water them. Then, in theory, after two or three months the tomatoes will germinate.


The sprouts germinate almost immediately, but to see the birth and growth of the tomato itself, you have to  wait patiently . In the meantime, however,  much can be done  to contribute to the healthy development of the fruit. In addition to water and various fertilizers, there is a special ingredient that you will never do without:  eggshell . Yes, you are right, you can use eggshell as a key ingredient in our gardening business. Let’s see together why and how to do it.

Growing Tomatoes in the Garden with Eggshell: Here’s Why You Should Do It

It may seem strange and absurd but it is like this:  eggshell is a panacea  for our tomatoes. We must never forget that the tips of experienced growers are always effective and well thought out. When we try to grow a fruit, vegetable or any type of vegetable, we must never forget how necessary it is to provide it with the right nutrients.  Not all the most important nutrients  can be obtained by absorbing water alone: ​​this aspect must be stimulated. Just like we humans take vitamin supplements to feel better, plants also need vitamins and minerals.

Tomatoes in the garden

Iron, zinc and magnesium are fundamental. The eggshell mainly contains a very important mineral for tomatoes:  calcium . Calcium is necessary for the normal development of the root system, it is involved in cellular structures and makes them much more resistant to attacks by fungi and pests. When there is no calcium, we notice it immediately from  an unequivocal signal : the signs of rot, that rot that gradually begins to divide the fruit in two.

How to Add Eggshell to Soil

The best way to insert the eggshell into the soil  is to finely chop it . It should be  almost a powder  or flour-like. A full spoonful of chopped shell will be enough to insert into the bottom of a fairly deep hole. We sprinkle with earth and plant our  tomato seeds  on top. Thanks to the presence of chopped shells, our tomatoes will receive, during the growth phase, a  constant source of calcium .


 This is a completely sustainable tip that in no way negatively alters environmental health and the health of our tomatoes. This tip can also be followed in the cultivation of all the other elements of our garden: it can only do it good! In addition to this, it is also a  completely sustainable method from an economic point of view . More money spent on chemical fertilizers.