
Why do lemon tree leaves curl? Real cause explained

By liliaturcin5

Have you noticed that the leaves of your lemon tree are curling? This explains the reason for this phenomenon. Let’s look at all the details together.

The  lemon plant  can be grown in a simple and practical way even by those who have no experience in the gardening sector. Cultivation can be done both in soil and in a pot. Whether you have a garden or a balcony, it will therefore be possible to obtain lemons in your home environment.

This plant is  evergreen  and, therefore, will tend to limit leaf fall to a minimum even in the winter and cold months of the year. It needs  good sun exposure  – at least 7-8 hours a day – and  correct watering  . In the summer months it will always be advisable to supply the appropriate amount of water to the plant.

If you notice that the soil is dry, then it is time to water the plant in the pot or garden. If the soil, on the other hand, is wet, it will be advisable not to provide for the water supply. In the long run, in fact, the roots could rot.

Below, however, we want to shed light on a particular phenomenon that can be noticed in some specific situations.  Why  can the leaves of the lemon plant, in a sense,  retract and curl up on themselves  ? Here is everything you need to know about this specific topic.

Lemon Plant Leaves Curly – Here’s Why

The  lemon plant  – both in a pot and in the garden – needs fairly fertile soil that has excellent drainage capacity. As anticipated, in fact, this citrus fruit suffers from water stagnation very consistently. It is important to prevent its roots from remaining submerged in a puddle for a long time.

Lemon Tree

The  pH of the soil  , therefore, should be approximately between the values ​​of 6.5 and 7.5. In specialized stores it will be possible to obtain advice on the soil to be used for growing lemons. There are some that are perfectly suitable for this plant and for citrus fruits in general.

At what temperature should the lemon plant grow and live  ? Between about 10° and 30°, the lemon will be perfectly comfortable. At different temperatures, however, you could suffer more from heat and cold. In the cold months of the year, when the temperature drops dangerously below 5°, it will be advisable to remove the potted plant. In the garden, on the other hand, the lemon can be optimally protected with plastic film.

Here we are, however, we arrive at the “mystery” to be solved about the curling of lemon tree leaves.  Why is all this happening  ? Here you have the answer that will clear up any of your doubts in this regard.

The explanation of the phenomenon.

Those who are not too expert on the subject may be concerned to see obvious  curling of the leaves of the lemon tree plant  . In this article we want to clarify this specific issue, reassuring all readers about the true reasons for this phenomenon, which is only apparently worrying. Are you curious about why leaves curl? Here are the details.

curly lemon leaves

Curled leaves are a  natural self-defense mechanism  of the plant in some specific situations. In fact, when it receives sunlight for several consecutive hours, the lemon plant tends to minimize  its water losses in this way.

A kind, therefore, of automatic defense from the sun and a possible lack of hydration. As we have said, in fact, lemon – especially in the summer and spring months – needs abundant watering.  The curly leaves allow the lemon to limit sun exposure as much as possible  , especially if it has not been watered for a long time and the soil is especially dry.

Therefore, leaf curl is completely normal. If you notice this phenomenon, therefore, what you will have to do is supply  your lemon tree with water  . This phenomenon allows the lemon to protect itself for longer and survive even in the most “complicated” moments.

In some cases, then, it may be advisable – if grown in pots – to transplant  the plant  . You can then transfer it to a larger vase. We hope we have managed to clear all your doubts about this particular topic.