
Begonias, how to propagate endless branches with 1 banana: it multiplies instantly

By liliaturcin5

In this article we will show you a very practical and simple method to obtain always lush begonias, both in a pot and in the garden. Here’s how to best propagate branches using a banana.

Begonias  are  very loved and appreciated plants by many people. There are several varieties of this plant. In fact, it can be located both inside homes and on the balcony or in the garden. Begonias come in many colors: red, pink, yellow, orange and white.

Begonia can be grown  both in pots and in the garden  . The important thing, however, will always be to respect the characteristics and needs of this beautiful plant. In fact, it  loves mild temperatures  , while it could suffer in extreme conditions, due to excess heat or frost. Even drastic and sudden changes in temperature are not well received by the begonia.

So, as with many plants, it will be advisable to proceed with constant watering of the begonia, especially in the hottest months.  The soil  , therefore,  must always be moist  , but stagnant water must be absolutely avoided. Both in pots and in the garden, therefore, it will be essential that the soil has excellent drainage capacity, to avoid the risk of the roots drying out and rotting.

In this article we want to draw the reader’s attention to an  extraordinary technique of infinite propagation of begonia branches  . It may seem strange, but for perfect success of operations a simple  banana  will be very useful. Let’s discover all the details of this incredible method to obtain truly lush begonias in a short time.

Begonias propagated endlessly: here is the banana method

Begonias, in addition to being watered frequently,  do not need to be in direct contact with the sun’s rays  , especially during the hottest hours of the day. It will therefore be advisable to grow them in  partially shaded areas  , as long as light is present, since they love good exposure to this element.


Additionally, this plant should be pruned if dead or withered leaves are noticed, so that it can proliferate at its best. When grown in a pot, the begonia needs a  good-sized pot and soil very rich in nitrogen  . Watering should be done at least once every 2 days. Much, however, will depend on the season and the dryness of the soil.

Begonia loves humidity very much, but absolutely does not like stagnant water. A fair compromise in this sense is therefore ideal.

Having made these premises, let’s go to the essence of our article. Here’s  how to propagate begonia branches in a very simple way using a common banana  .

The propagation technique

The first thing we will do is take some  begonia branches  and prune the dry leaves. Once this is done, all you have to do is get a  banana  and put into practice a truly incredible technique. You will cut the banana in half and  insert all the branches you want to propagate inside  .

Lush method of banana begonias

Each branch will have to penetrate the banana and  absorb the pulp of this fruit  . Banana, in fact, is an excellent  natural fertilizer  and is rich in potassium, calcium, magnesium and many other nutrients for plants.

Now immerse the branches soaked in banana pulp in a glass or container  with water inside.  At this point, all you have to do is put the glass with the branches in a dark place and wait at least  15 days  .

After this period, you will notice that the flower stem has already begun to take  root  . You can then remove the different branches from the pot and proceed to  grow them in a pot  . As mentioned above, it should be of a good size, so as not to limit the plant’s growth in the future. It will then be necessary to choose a suitable soil for growing begonias.

Once you have inserted the twigs into the vase, you will need to  water them abundantly  . If you take good care of this aspect in the following months, you will obtain healthy and very leafy begonias in a few months. A very simple propagation technique available to everyone.

After about 90 days  , in fact,  the plant will already be a good size and a huge number of flowers will have sprouted  . As you can see, therefore, this technique can be carried out in a few simple steps even by those who are not too expert in gardening.