
Hydrangea, it blooms beautifully here: the perfect place | Few people know

By liliaturcin5

The hydrangea, this beautiful plant, needs to be located in strategic points so that it blooms in the best way. Let’s see what they are.


The hydrangea  is a beautiful plant with colorful and vivid petals, it is no coincidence that it is among the  most loved and chosen plants  for decorative purposes. However,  if we do not care for it properly  , it could easily  wither  or  die.  If you want it to last as long as possible, you must follow some  small and simple rules  that will guarantee its durability over time and the vibrancy of the colors.

The characteristics of hydrangea

The hydrangea is a highly appreciated flowering plant from the  Hydrangeaceae family.  ‘Hydrangea’ is the common name of the plant: the scientific name is  Hortensia  , a name given to it by Philip Commerson, a naturalist who discovered it in  1771 in Madagascar  .

The uniqueness  of this floral plant lies in its flowers: they are gathered in  spherical groups called corymbs  . The most widespread species of hydrangea is the one with white holes, but there are less widespread species that have red, purple, pink, blue and violet flowers.  The variation of these colors  has a very specific cause:  the acidity of the soil in which they grow  . If the soil has a  pH <6 (acidic)  the flowers will be bluer. If the  PH>6 (basic)  the flowers will be pink. The variation is due to the fact that the  petal pigment is sensitive to aluminum ions.

Let’s see how to take care of it.

white hydrangea

The fundamental steps for caring for the hydrangea

If you have decided to grow the hydrangea floral plant at home, you should know that there are some  small rules  to follow to care for it. It is a flower that needs  special care  to maintain its vigor and bright colors over time.

You can grow hydrangeas in the garden, but you can also decide to plant them in a suitable pot and keep them indoors. It will undoubtedly give an extra touch to your rooms from an aesthetic point of view.  But where to place it?  Let’s see together what are the  optimal environmental conditions  for its growth and maintenance.

First of all, we must pay attention to the  temperature of the room  we choose for our hydrangea: the ideal temperature is around  18 degrees  . So from this data we can imagine that it is a plant that needs fresh air:  exposing it to direct sunlight could be fatal.  The perfect place for the hydrangea is an  area of ​​partial shade  , it should not be exposed to heat sources or direct light.  Indirect light is ideal.  The only time of day when the sun can kiss our plant is first thing in the morning: the sun at that time is very delicate and would not cause any damage to the petals of the hydrangea.

Irrigation and pruning

Two other fundamental aspects are watering the hydrangea and pruning. The hydrangea is a plant that requires  abundant water:  the soil must always be moist. You have to be careful  not to overdo it and create stagnation.  Additionally, it is necessary to add a lot of water during the budding period and add a little less after flowering.

At the end of the season,  the hydrangea should be pruned  by cutting the branch above the buds and placed in the dark. In this way it will gather the energy necessary to bloom again more beautiful than ever in the next season.