
This is currently the perfect time to plant these 10 plants that will perfume the garden in winter.

By liliaturcin5

Before winter arrives, you can always take advantage of November to plant some plants in your ornamental garden. In fact, despite the drop in temperature and gray November weather, it is possible to bring in color to brighten your garden, and some plants thrive well in autumn.

Despite the autumn cold of November, you can decorate your garden by growing flowering plants and ornamental shrubs. Here is a list of 10 plants to plant in your garden in November to bloom.

What are the 10 plants to grow in the garden in November?

These 10 plants can be planted in your ornamental garden during this month of November.

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  1. Planting the daffodil in autumn

Native to Western Europe, the daffodil is a hardy, bulbous flowering plant. This easy-care plant  is characterized by short flowering,  lasting only 15 days.  The daffodil appreciates cool, clay soils.  Make sure the soil is well drained,  to avoid stagnation of water in the bulb.  Also, keep a 5cm gap between the bulbs. Planting in open ground is carried out in autumn  and lasts until  November.

  1. Garden primrose planting
garden primroses

Garden evening primrose is a hardy perennial that  is easy to grow in the garden.  The evening primrose appreciates drained, fresh and humid soil, that is, rich in humus. This flowering plant also prefers partial shade. You can plant purchased primroses in buckets  between early autumn and late winter.

  1. Polyanthus Evening Primrose Plantation
Polyanthus onagra

The polyanthus evening primrose is  a variety of primroses , resulting from the hybridization, that is, the crossing, between the common evening primrose, whose botanical name is primula vulgaris, and the cuckoo also called primula veris. Polyanthus primroses are hardy flowers.  They thrive best in drained, humus-rich soil.  Be careful not to let the soil dry out and protect your plant from frost.

  1. Planting winter honeysuckle
winter honeysuckle

Winter honeysuckle is a flowering shrub characterized by its scent that perfumes the garden during flowering. This shrub can be placed in partial shade,  but sunny exposure will promote abundant flowering.  Winter honeysuckle adapts to any soil. Just make sure to work the soil so that it is loose, that is, light,  and enrich it with compost.

  1. Cyclamen coum plantation
Cyclamen coum

Cyclamen coum or Kos Island cyclamen  is a very resistant and vigorous variety of cyclamen.  Furthermore, this cyclamen is planted in autumn or winter, in well-drained soils  rich in organic matter.  If the soil is clay, you can mix it with sand to promote drainage. Be sure to cover the tubers with 2-3 cm of soil.

  1. Planting daphne

Nicknamed the pretty wood, daphne is a shrub with waxy flowers, in the form of clusters that give off a beautiful scent in winter. The most fragrant daphne has the botanical name daphne odora. This shrub appreciates cool, light soil. Remember  to lighten the soil by mixing it with the sand.  You can also cover the soil, in order to retain its moisture.

  1. Violet plantation

The violet is a perennial flowering plant that belongs to the same pansy family,  but is more resistant  than this one. Depending on the variety, the violet blooms in winter or spring. This medicinal and edible plant adorns gardens with its beautiful varied colors. The violet appreciates drained, light soils, while the fragrant violet prefers  cool, rich soils.

  1. Planting the thought

Pansy is  an autumn and winter flower par excellence.  Also called a garden violet, this flowering plant requires little maintenance. Plant pansies  in rich, cool, drained soil  and provide a sunny or semi-shaded exposure.

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  1. Planting the tulip

The tulip is a flowering plant, very popular for decorating gardens. Its spring flowering  offers a varied palette of colors and diversified shapes. The tulip grows well in drained, light and airy soil. Avoid overwatering  which can cause your plant to rot. Also plant your plant in a sunny or partial shade location.

  1. Clematis plantation

Clematis is a climbing perennial plant,  characterized by abundant flowering  that offers small or large flowers, with various colors. The ideal time to plant clematis  is from autumn to spring.  On the other hand, avoid planting it when it freezes. This flowering shrub prefers cool, well-drained soil. This plant does not like limestone. So choose  a clay-siliceous soil.