
The garlic will grow until it is the size of your fist

By liliaturcin5

Garlic is literally the alpha and omega of the garden for many horticulturists.

For its cultivation, optimal fertilization is important, which should start as early as spring.

It is not enough to look for universal fertilizers.

As reported by the trucosparaelhogar portal, much better results are achieved with carefully mixed homemade fertilizers.

3 phases of garlic fertilization
Garlic really needs to be fertilized three times, from planting to harvesting.

Fertilizer is usually combined with watering at each stage, as garlic does not like dry soil.

Manure should always be mixed according to the size of your beds, as long-term storage is not good.

It loses nutrients and its useful properties.

First fertilization of garlic.
It is done immediately in the first phase of garlic sprouting, when 3 or 4 leaves appear.

It must be urea based.

The basic ratio is one tablespoon of this substance, simply diluted in one liter of water.

And how much fertilizer to use?

You will need 3 liters of this solution for every square meter.

Second fertilization of garlic
Are garlic stalks starting to form?

It’s time for another fertilizer.

This time phosphorus nitrate will be useful.

Measure 2 tablespoons for every 10 liters of water and mix well.

You will again need about 3 to 4 liters of this liquid mineral fertilizer per square metre.

Third fertilization of garlic
This fertilization phase falls in June.

Precisely in this month garlic needs more nutrients to form really large bulbs.

It is recommended to use superphosphate in quantities of 2 tablespoons per 10 liters of water.

But in this case you will need a little more fertilizer for your one square meter bed.

Specifically, 4 or 5 liters.

Fertilizer to accelerate the growth of garlic
Do you feel like your garlic isn’t growing as fast as it should?

Then focus on foliar fertilizer.

This can be applied a maximum of 2 times during the entire garlic growing season.

And how to prepare it?

Take urea (one tablespoon) and chicken manure (one glass is enough).

Mix everything in a 10-liter bucket with water and leave for half a day.

Then strain, pour it into a sprayer and apply it to the garlic.

Other Tips for Robust Garlic
Be careful where you grow this vegetable.

Cabbage, cucumber, cauliflower and celery are good precursors to garlic.

And if you grow it in community gardens, he will like it together with basil, marigold or arugula.

On the contrary, it cannot tolerate legumes and aubergines.

And never grow it for several years in the same place.

For garlic, a cultivation break of 3 years is recommended.