
1 teaspoon is enough to guarantee flowering in all plants

By liliaturcin5

Do you want to have plants with extraordinary flowering all year round? Then all you need is a teaspoon of this ingredient: the flowers will bloom even in winter. Here’s the secret that will change your approach to floriculture.

flowering plants

How to have flowering plants all year round? A teaspoon of this ingredient is enough for you and you have plenty left over  : many flowers will bloom even in the coldest periods. Ready to surprise you?

How to ensure the flowering of a plant.

If you are also a plant lover but not an expert, you will surely have encountered a problem that unites many, that of  flowering: how to always achieve it?


We tell you that it is certainly not an easy thing but you must also be able to see this  extraordinary spectacle  . Are you looking right now at your beautiful little green plant, placed on the terrace or in that corner of the living room that has acquired color and life thanks to it?

There is definitely one thing that worries you, we can see it in your eyes: why, you are wondering, does my beautiful plant not  give flowers or only bloom once a year  ? You are definitely doing something wrong.

Today we reveal to you  a trick  that will allow you to have  lush, healthy and strong plants but above all full of little flowers  ! Are you ready? So take note. You will thank us for this amazing advice.  All you need is one ingredient  to have a flowering plant even in the coldest periods.

The secret ingredient for fast flowering plants

Getting  a plant to flower  is certainly not easy. Some studies published in floriculture journals have shown that  the birth of little flowers depends on various molecular reactions  that allow the activation of some genes that lead to the development of the flower.

flowering plants

If you are not a chemist, biologist or physicist, don’t worry. There are some  tricks  that will allow you to have  a flowering plant even all year round  . Do you know that you simply need an ingredient that you surely have in your pantry? Yes, like that! To create your own natural fertilizer, you will simply need some  sugar  !

Why exactly these grains can save your plant? We explain it to you immediately. First of all, we tell you that this  trick  helps you not only  guarantee the flowering  of your plant but also  give vigor to the leaves.

If you notice that they begin to yellow or fall, it is because  the plant is not adequately absorbing all the nutrients  it needs from the soil. So, get ready: you need to start  making a fertilizer  right away.

To grow well, plants need  glucose  to  promote cell regeneration  . Water and sugar, therefore, can be of great help when the aforementioned hypothesis occurs.

How should you use this ingredient?  You have two possibilities.  The first is this:  you add a teaspoon of sugar into the soil  and do this technique once every 15 days.

The second, however:  add a teaspoon of sugar to 500 ml of water  , mix everything and start watering the soil of your plant. Instead, you will have to repeat this practice  once every 30 days.

In both the first case and the second,  you will see your plant reborn  : the  leaves will once again be green and shiny  but above all you will be able to enjoy the most beautiful spectacle of all:  its flowering.

Why is sugar capable of achieving all this? Because  it contains glucose  that  promotes the healthy growth of plants  that will have a long life, whether placed in the garden or on the terrace or even inside the house.

Of course, be careful with the  amount of sugar  used:  if you use too much solution, you could end up with the plant withered or dead  because the excess glucose would cause it to decompose.

Either way,  sugar is a great fertilizer for your plants  . There are so many benefits it can bring to your little green jewels. We list just a few.

For example,  it is capable of promoting cell regeneration  by supplying nutrients to plants. But not only. Sugar helps in  the growth of plants  and gives them energy throughout the day.

Did you know that it is also  an excellent pest trap  ? This natural fertilizer is capable of killing  mosquitoes, ants and aphids  . Most important of all, it then provides all the extra nutrients to ensure your plants not only have strong roots but also beautiful, healthy, strong leaves.

The only recommendation is  not to exaggerate too much with the amount of sugar  . If you notice that the leaves are turning brown or yellow, your plant is in  a state of decay.

We also give you another little tip. If you don’t want to use sugar as a natural fertilizer, you can also use  a vitamin B tablet and activated charcoal powder.

Mix these two ingredients and combine them with 500 ml of water. Then moisten the soil with this solution once a month. Also in this case,  you will get a healthy, strong plant and many colorful flowers.
