
Rice, put a spoonful on the plants: the gardener’s trick to make them grow fast

By liliaturcin5

Rice on plants is an excellent heat remedy: as temperatures rise, plants need a lot of energy to stay green.

If you put rice on the plants, you will have a good  chance of seeing them soon with beautiful flowers  instead of dry or dull ones.

Each plant  obviously  has its own needs  , they are all different, therefore they require various types of fertilizers and special care. However, there are  fertilizers that can be prepared in a short time even at home  with ingredients that we all have and that cost very little.

How to care for indoor plants with rice.

If you put rice on indoor plants,  the results are immediately evident  , the product acts as a true panacea, being a natural fertilizer, very easy to use, effective and economical.

To prepare the miracle solution  you need four handfuls of rice  , a pot, a little distilled water and finally a strainer. All of them are readily available tools.

Preparation of the miraculous compound.

Take the  raw rice and pour it into a saucepan  , pour a little water on top, stir to rinse the grains, continue like this for a few minutes and then let it rest for a couple of hours, three per day maximum.

The water will immediately turn whitish, so at this point you can filter it with a strainer to retain the liquid part.  The water will have absorbed the phosphorus and potassium  contained in the rice, making it an important health elixir.

Use of rice water in plants.

The rice water should be placed in a watering can and can be used once every 10 days, what you should do  is avoid wetting the leaves of the plant  . Only the soil is wet with this water to prevent waterlogging from creating between the leaves: any waterlogging can cause collar rot in many species.

Another alternative  could be to use rice cooking water,  where potassium and phosphorus accumulate, which are released during the cooking of the rice. In this case it is essential that the water has not been previously salted, if it were it would dry out the plant in a short time.

This fertilizer is useful for any type of plant, especially acidophilic ones, because it lowers the pH. For this reason it is especially recommended for Camellias, Hydrangeas,  Azaleas, Dipladenia, Bougainvillea  or Geraniums. On the other hand, it is better to avoid using it with cherry, mulberry and pine.

Other homemade natural fertilizers

Then, there are many  other types of homemade fertilizers  that promote the flowering and growth of plants. For example, cooking water  is a panacea  because it contains many nutrients that increase the well-being of the plant itself. It can be used to water plants once a week, even in this case it is best not to use salt water.

Otherwise,  there are coffee grounds  , best as a natural fertilizer. They must be reduced to grains, then placed on acidophilic plants, thanks to the nitrogen the plant will grow much faster, especially protecting the roots and ensuring that it becomes stronger.

A final remedy  is to use banana peels  that must be cut into small rectangular pieces and then spread on the ground, at the base of the plant. As the banana pieces break down over time,  releasing their nutritional content  , it is best not to exaggerate the amounts because too much potassium could also be harmful to plants.