
Ants at home, 1 drop on the ground is enough to kill them in 2 minutes: miraculous

By liliaturcin5

Here’s how to get rid of ants in your home. Just one drop to the ground and in just two minutes they will no longer be there.

Ants in home remedies.

Ants are one of the most common nuisances in the home, especially in summer   They always find a little hole to escape through to find that crumb that fell to the ground. It is not enough to make an effort to never leave traces of food lying around, they always find them, which is why we reveal a trick that will keep the ants away.

Simply wash the floors with vinegar and the ants will be gone.

When it’s hot, ants tend to come out of their burrows and therefore invade your home as soon as they smell food.  To eliminate them you can wash the floor with vinegar. The smell of this is not very welcomed by ants  who will not set foot in the house as soon as they smell it.

wash ants in soil with vinegar

It is preferable to use white alcohol vinegar, whose smell is stronger. Simply put about half a glass into the floor washing bucket filled with hot water. Pass it over the floor as usual. But be careful because vinegar is corrosive on marble or natural stone floors.

Other ingredients to wash on the floor and keep ants away

However, vinegar is not the only way to keep ants away, there are also other smells and aromas that ants do not like. Here are some:

  • Eucalyptus oil  : this plant has a very pleasant smell that, however, ants cannot stand. That is why it is perfect for washing home floors. In addition to preventing ants from getting close, love will also give the house a feeling of freshness. Just put about 3 or 4 drops in the bucket to wash the floor.
  • Lemon juice  : in addition to repelling ants, it also has a degreasing action and is therefore perfect for washing floors. Simply take a large lemon, squeeze it, and pour the juice into the bucket to wash the floor. Alternatively, you can also use lemon essential oil. But be careful, because lemon cannot be used on marble or natural stone floors either.
lemon juice
  • Mint  : The smell of this is also not pleasant for ants. Then it will be enough to prepare an infusion with mint leaves, filter it and pour it into a bucket to wash it on the ground. In addition, the smell of mint will also bring a lot of freshness to the house. Also in this case you can use mint essential oil.

Remedies to keep ants away

Washing the floor with ingredients that ants do not like is a good idea but sometimes it is not enough and you have to act right at the exit points. There are other unpleasant smells, here are some:

  • Nails  – These are perfect to put in corners or furniture, even in the kitchen, to prevent ants from getting into your food.
  • Talcum powder  : for us its smell is very pleasant for ants but it really is not and it can also be placed in the corners of the house where they usually come out or near doors and windows.
  • Coffee grounds  : the same to put in corners or near windows and doors.
  • Salt:  to use especially in the kitchen but also in the bathroom and in the garden.
  • Spices  : like cinnamon and pepper, which have very strong odors that ants do not like at all. Also in this case, it is enough to sprinkle them in different areas of the house.