
With these tricks, stored onions will not sprout

By liliaturcin5

Onion is indispensable in the kitchen and we use it in the preparation of almost every hot dish.

It should not be missing in any home and it is important to store it correctly.

A stored onion deteriorates when it begins to sprout, dry out or become moldy.

It is important to collect it at the right time. The first rule is to take it at the right time.

If the onion is ripe, it will reveal it on its own. During the ripening process, the neck at the base of the leaves will begin to narrow.

It leans towards the ground and dries out, a clear sign that its time on the plant is over.

At this time, it is not recommended to water further.

Some gardeners recommend disturbing part of the onion roots during prolonged rains which hinder ripening, thus accelerating the process.

If you try this technique, however, there is a risk of damaging the roots all along the surface, putting a premature end to its growth.

Onion should be harvested during a warm, sunny day.

After harvesting, you can let it dry on the plant, but it is much safer to harvest it and let it dry flat in a sheltered, ventilated place.

Today we have for you some fantastic tricks from the awesomegyan portal, thanks to which you will discover how to properly store the onion while avoiding germination.

How to stop onion germination?

Many people make the mistake of storing various types of vegetables together, such as potatoes, onion, garlic and others.

If you also fall into this category, stop doing it.

In fact, several vegetables contain ethylene, which causes onion germination.

In addition to avoiding storing onion with other types of vegetables, it should also not be stored with fruit and should always be kept separate.

Use paper. The role of paper in the preservation of onion is very important and protects it from germination.

If you don’t want the onion to germinate quickly, you can store it wrapped in newspaper or a paper bag. However, keep in mind that whenever you store the onion wrapped in paper, you need to keep it in a cool place.

A breathable bag is also great for storage, hanging in a ventilated place away from rain and light.

Avoid storing onion in the refrigerator. Many people make the mistake of storing onions in the refrigerator.

Absolutely avoid this mistake, since in the refrigerator, due to humidity and evaporation from other foods, the onion sprouts quickly.

Avoid plastic bags. Many people bring the onion home from the store in a plastic bag and store it that way.

However, the onion heats up more in the plastic bag and can also condense, creating ideal conditions for germination.

Therefore, you should always remove the onion from the plastic bag after purchase.

In addition to paper, you can also wrap it in cotton fabric or store it in breathable baskets in a cool, dry place.

This onion will last you until the new harvest. In fact, onion grown from seed is the best.

It is a young plant, full of energy.

Its fabrics are robust and succulent. This onion tolerates cellar conditions much better.

The onion grown from a bulb is a few weeks earlier, but it is also older because it was already a bulb last year.

So, if you have onions in your garden from both growing methods, know that you should consume your bulb onions by December.

The seed onion lasts until the new harvest if the storage conditions are