
Creating your own multi-level garden space

By liliaturcin5

Gardening is an enriching and planet-friendly activity that many of us enjoy, but not everyone has the luxury of large gardens or fertile land. The solution? Multilevel gardens, an innovative way to grow a variety of plants in limited spaces. This technique not only saves space but can also add an aesthetically pleasing dimension to your garden.

multi-level garden

The essential elements of multi-level gardens

These gardens take advantage of vertical space by using high-density polyethylene (HDPE) material, a durable and flexible fabric, to create layers for planting. This material is widely available and can be a game-changer for urban gardeners or those working with rocky or less fertile soils.

Designing your garden

Imagine creating a garden that extends upward instead of outward. Each level or “floor” of the garden is created by cutting the HDPE material to a specific size that corresponds to the desired layer. The idea is that each subsequent layer is a little smaller than the one below, creating a stepped effect.

Assembly tips

  • Base layer  – This base layer sets the stage for your garden. Cut the material to create a large circle for the base.
  • Subsequent layers  : Each top layer should be cut smaller than the previous one, progressively creating a pyramid-like structure.
  • Spacing  – A consistent spacing between each layer is crucial for stability and aesthetics. Look for uniform spacing to ensure your garden is visually pleasing and structurally sound.

Construction details

  • Circumference  : To ensure your garden tiers are perfectly round, use a measuring technique that involves a central pivot point and a string or rope to mark the circles.
  • Connecting layers  : Secure each layer with durable fasteners. Wood screws or similar fasteners can be used to maintain the integrity of the structure.
  • Soil and Manure Mixture  – A rich mixture of soil and manure in a 1:1 ratio ensures a nutrient-rich environment for plant growth. This mixture also helps prevent soil compaction, keeping it aerated and moist.

Why multilevel gardens?

The concept of multi-level gardens is aimed at those who do not have space for traditional gardening. Whether it’s a small backyard, balcony, or even rocky terrain, this approach allows for an abundance of plant life. It is a sustainable and ingenious method of growing your own vegetables, herbs or flowers, ensuring that everyone can enjoy the benefits of gardening, regardless of their living situation.

multilevel garden 1

Once you have layered your garden and filled it with the soil and manure mixture, you are ready to plant. This type of garden can be an ongoing project, where you can replenish soil nutrients and change plants as the seasons change. It is a living, breathing work of art, as practical as it is beautiful.

Remember, the joy of gardening is not only in the harvest, but also in the creative process of making your garden a unique and personal space. With multi-level gardens, you bring life and beauty to any space, and the possibilities are as limitless as your imagination.