
7 Reasons to Have Sage at Home and Several Brilliant Ways to Use It

By liliaturcin5

Throughout history and in all four corners of the planet, sage has been considered a sacred plant. It has, in fact, many medicinal properties, both for internal and external use. The word Salvia in Latin means “the one who saves”! The well-known adage in our countryside “planting sage in the garden keeps the doctor away” is also an illustration of this. Here are 7 things you can do with sage that you probably didn’t know about. 1 – SAGE CALMS SORE THROATS This plant contains antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, perfect for relieving sore throats. It reduces throat inflammation and strengthens the immune system. To be taken as an infusion or gargle. 2 – IT FIGHTS AGAINST DANDRUFF AND BEAUTIFIES HAIR Credit: tipsdegrandmere Sage also has cosmetic virtues. It can thus work miracles on the hair. Indeed, not only is sage very effective against dandruff, but it also helps restore shine and color to hair. To fight dandruff, take a teaspoon of sweet almond oil and add five drops of sage essential oil. Mix everything. After washing your hair with your usual shampoo, massage your scalp well with this mixture of almond and sage, before rinsing. To restore shine and vitality to your hair, prepare an infusion of sage leaves. Then filter the mixture to remove only the liquid, and pour it over your hair when rinsing. For greater effectiveness, add thyme and rosemary to your infusion. 3 – PERFUMES AND DEODORIZES THE HOME Credit: mojerecepty For many people, this is surely the best benefit of white sage. Indeed, used in incense, sage sticks give off a sweet and natural scent. So, burning sage at home is a simple and effective way to deodorize and eliminate bad odors. It is much more natural than using chemicals that are dangerous to your health. 4 – IT HELPS WITH DIGESTION Credit: doctissimo Sage plays a big role in digestion. First of all, it promotes digestion after a meal, especially when it has been too copious. But that’s not all. Thanks to its antispasmodic properties, sage also helps relieve stomach cramps and bloating. In addition, it reduces intestinal gas. For all this, you just need to drink a sage infusion after a meal, or when your pain appears. And if you need to whet your appetite before a meal, sage can also help you! 5 – FIGHT AGAINST SWEATING Excessive sweating or hyperhidrosis occurs in cases of excessive sweat production by the sweat glands. However, this little plant has useful antiperspirant properties. To use it, you can take tablets or capsules for 15 days. Then take a break for a week before possibly continuing. You can also do sweaty foot or hand baths with a sage infusion. This infusion can also be applied to sweating areas using a compress. In addition, you can grind it into powder with a mortar to apply it to your hands (as you would with talcum powder). This will limit their humidity. 6 – RELIEVES MUSCLE PAIN Credit: space-musculation Sage is known for its properties capable of relieving muscle pain and rheumatism. A sage bath can relieve this type of pain, improve circulation, and relieve stress. Cook a few sage leaves in water, let them cool for a few minutes then pour the solution into the bathtub. 7 – PREVENTS HAIR LOSS Credit: amelioretasante Since ancient times, sage has acquired an excellent reputation for strengthening hair and preventing hair loss. This herb contains high amounts of beta-sitosterol, a 5-alpha reducing compound, which is very effective in treating male pattern baldness. Instructions Mix 3-4 drops of sage essential oil with a few drops of peppermint or rosemary essential oil. Dilute this mixture with a tablespoon of olive oil and massage the scalp with the oil mixture twice a day. Use sage tea to rinse your hair.