
Forget about humidity on the ceiling and walls of your house: 5 infallible tricks against rain

By liliaturcin5

When the rainy and humid season arrives, we immediately think about the condition of the roof of our house and the walls.

In fact, we realize that it is necessary to waterproof the roof or walls of our home. In particular, when the stains increase due to the proliferation of mold.

Forget about humidity on the ceiling and walls of your house: 5 infallible tricks against rain

This problem is not only an aesthetic issue, but also this humidity and the deterioration of the material cause leaks, water leaks or saltpeter and can even lift the paint over time.

In addition to all this, it can affect our health and according to specialists from the Mayo Clinic Medical Institute, they describe how mold favors the proliferation of spores and that by breathing them our immune system must protect itself.

The symptoms that are reflected are nasal congestion, irritation, itching of the eyes, nose and throat. Therefore, we cannot take it lightly and it must be resolved soon:

5 Tricks against humidity due to rain

These are homemade solutions that we can apply and wait for the rains prepared:

1. Repair leaks

To repair leaks we will need:


  • 200 gr. of cement
  • 200 gr. of marble
  • 150 ml. Liquid sealant to waterproof roofs
  • 1/2 liter of water
  • Gloves, bucket, broom, brush, spatula, etc.
  • 1 wooden stick (to stir the mixture)


  1. To begin, we remove the old waterproofing and any residue with the broom, then we sweep to remove everything.
  2. Next step, in the bucket we mix the cement, marble, sealant and water. Remember, use gloves to protect your hands and stir the mixture well with the wooden stick.
  3. Then, we apply a little of the mixture to the area to work on. We take the broom and spread it evenly over the slab, the key is to cover everything evenly. We can also help you with the brush in difficult corners.
  4. When the cracks are deeper, it must be filled with the thickest part of the mixture we have prepared.
  5. To finish, you have to wait about 12 hours until the material hardens and waterproofs the roof.

2. Homemade waterproofing


  • 1/2 kg. of Cal
  • 2 bars of white Zote soap (grated)
  • 1/2 kg. Potassium alum (in pieces)
  • c/n of Water
  • 1 20 liter bucket


  1. First, we sweep and clean the roof where we are going to work. One recommendation is that the roof must be very dry.
  2. Next, we are going to prepare the mixture, to do this we add half of the water and lime to a container. Then, we heat it until it boils.
  3. Next step, remove it from the heat and add the grated white zote soaps and the alum. We also stir well until it dissolves.
  4. To finish, we apply the waterproofing well all over the roof with the help of a brush or soft bristle brush.
  5. Then, we let it dry and apply the mixture crosswise again as a second layer to reinforce.

3. Eliminates salt and humidity from the walls


  • 1 Wire brush
  • 1 Bottle of muriatic acid
  • 1 container with soap and water
  • Cement
  • Brush


  1. To start, you have to use protection, that is, a mask, gloves and glasses.
  2. You begin by using the wire brush to remove saltpeter from ceilings and walls.
  3. Next step, in a bucket mix 1 glass of muriatic acid with 3 glasses of water. We do it very carefully to mix with the brush or a wooden stick.
  4. Immediately, with the brush we spread it on the areas where we are going to repair and let it rest for between 5 and 10 minutes.
  5. After this rest time, we proceed to rinse with soap and water to remove everything. Then let the wall or ceiling dry well.
  6. Now we proceed to cover the area with a cement mixture and let it dry completely.
  7. Next step, we are going to apply a moisture sealant and wait for it to dry.
  8. Finally, we painted to complete.

4. Paint to control humidity


  • 1 kg. Kaolin
  • 1/2 liter of acrylic resin
  • c/n of Water
  • 1 Bucket


  1. To begin, we prepare the mixture in the bucket by adding all the ingredients and mixing constantly. Let’s keep in mind that the mixture must be semi-liquid, so the necessary water is added and the texture of the mixture must be smooth.
  2. The idea is to use it before painting the walls as an anti-humidity sealant.

5. Cleaning chairs due to flooding


  • 1/2 cup dried lavender
  • 1/2 cup dried thyme
  • 1 cup of baking soda


  1. To begin, we add the ingredients to a container and sprinkle them over the chairs. The amounts of ingredients will depend on the size of the chairs, we leave it to act overnight.
  2. The next day, we proceed to vacuum and the chairs will be free of the musty smell left by the water.

Apply these methods and forget about humidity in the ceiling and walls of your house with these 5 infallible tricks against rain!