
Mix salt with lemon peels, after learning this recipe I started saving a lot of money

By liliaturcin5

Mixing salt with lemon peels is an inexpensive but surprisingly powerful household hack that can be used in many areas of the home. This simple, yet effective recipe not only helps you save money by reducing the need to purchase various cleaning or care products, but it also contributes to a more sustainable lifestyle by reusing the lemon peels that would otherwise have been discarded.

Why Salt and Lemon Peel?

Salt : A natural cleaning agent, salt is known for its mild abrasive properties and its ability to absorb stains and odors. It also acts as a natural preservative, extending the life of your mixture.

Lemon Peels : Rich in citric acid, lemon peels are excellent for dissolving grease, brightening surfaces and leaving a fresh, clean scent. The essential oils contained in the bark also have antibacterial and antifungal properties.

Uses and Benefits

  1. All-Purpose Cleaner : The mixture of salt and lemon peel is perfect for cleaning kitchen and bathroom surfaces. It can effectively remove soap scum, hard water stains and disinfect surfaces without leaving chemical marks.
  2. Garbage Freshener : Placing this mixture at the bottom of your trash can or garbage disposal can neutralize bad odors, leaving behind a fresh, clean scent.
  3. Dish Cleaning Agent : Used to scrub dishes, this mixture can help remove stubborn residue and restore shine to your silverware without scratching the surface.
  4. Natural Exfoliant : Aside from cleansing uses, this blend can also be used as a natural body scrub. The salt exfoliates the skin, while the lemon peels leave a refreshing scent and can help brighten the skin.

How to Prepare it?

  1. Dry the Lemon Peels : After using the lemon, remove the remaining flesh and allow the peels to air dry or in a low oven.
  2. Mix with Salt : Once the peels are completely dry, mix them with sea salt or table salt in a 1:1 ratio. For added potency, you can also add a few drops of lemon essential oil.
  3. Store in an Airtight Container : Place the mixture in a glass jar or airtight container to extend its shelf life. Use it as needed.


The simplicity and versatility of this recipe make it a great choice for those looking to save money and reduce their environmental footprint. By adopting such practices, you not only take advantage of the natural properties of salt and lemon, but you also contribute to a more sustainable lifestyle by reducing chemical consumption and reusing organic waste.