
Don’t throw away egg shells: they are worth gold in the garden if you reuse them like this

By liliaturcin5

Did you just use eggs to make your lunch? Do not throw away the shells: you can then reuse them cleverly in the garden.

In less than 10 days it will be  spring  , and with its arrival, even our balconies and gardens will begin to be populated with  colorful flowers and plants  . A way to make the house more elegant and cheerful, but which requires good maintenance to last especially during the summer months, when high temperatures risk damaging shrubs and plants, in fact. For this reason, specific fertilizers and  gardening products are used.

In reality, as often happens, it is natural products that come to our rescue the most, even in this case: it is not necessarily necessary to buy expensive sprays  and solutions  , especially since we have what we need even in our food scraps. This is the case for  egg shells  , which we generally hasten to throw in the trash as soon as we use the yolk and albumen. Well, better not get rid of them so easily!

Don’t get rid of eggshells – you’ll need them in the garden

What not everyone knows is that shellfish are excellent for  fertilizing the greenery  of our garden and can be used in various situations. It is therefore better to keep them aside, after using the eggs to cook dishes, and use them in this way. The result will literally leave us speechless.

garden eggshells

Sometimes you’re dealing with plants that tend to have standing water: placing broken shells in the soil will improve  drainage  . But that’s not all, because half a shell can also be used to accelerate the growth of shoots: filled with soil and seeds, the calcium in its walls will enrich the soil, promoting  germination  . Then you can bury everything in the chosen area.

garden eggshells

By then scattering the small pieces in the garden soil, the qualities of the shellfish will be released onto the  vegetables  , promoting their healthy and rapid growth. And if we have to face the frequent visit of  feline friends  who choose our land to deposit their physiological needs there, their fragments scattered in correspondence with the fruits and vegetables will be rather unpleasant to their delicate paws, and they will stay away from it. , acting as a  deterrent  . Better think twice before throwing it away!