
Drink this ginger and turmeric mixture before bed to cleanse your liver and you won’t wake up feeling tired again.

By liliaturcin5

The benefits of ginger and turmeric are numerous and considerable. Used for centuries to treat many ailments, these two foods are great allies for your health. In this article, we offer you the recipe for a creamy, smooth drink but above all extremely beneficial for your health. This blend of coconut milk, coconut oil, ginger root, turmeric and black pepper will do miracles for your body!

This powerful brew is traditionally consumed as if you were drinking a heated cup of milk. However, you can incorporate it into your dishes. Creamy, it will go perfectly with your pasta, your rice, or even your soups.

Recipe for “golden ait”

Ingredients :

  • 1 teaspoon of turmeric
  • A small piece of fresh ginger root, peeled and finely chopped
  • 1 tablespoon of coconut oil
  • A pinch of black pepper
  • 2 cups of coconut milk *
  • 1 teaspoon of honey
  • ½ teaspoon of cinnamon 

*You can also use other types of plant-based milk, such as  almond milk,  oat milk, rice milk or even hazelnut milk. 

Preparation :

Simply mix all the ingredients (apart from the honey which will need to be added once the drink has cooled) and heat them in a saucepan for 5 minutes.

You can then drink this golden milk as you would your usual warm milk.

For optimal results, we recommend that you drink this drink before going to bed, and if possible as soon as you wake up, this will detoxify your body, cleanse your liver and you will be able to benefit from the many virtues that all its components give you.

The benefits of the ingredients

Turmeric:  This is the main ingredient of this magic potion. Turmeric is a rejuvenating bath for your metabolism. In addition, the benefits of turmeric are not inhibited by heat, on the contrary! Antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial, it will treat your inflammations, prevent degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease, regulate your blood sugar levels, treat your depression and  cleanse your liver  of all environmental toxins.

Ginger:  Rich in minerals, phosphorus and magnesium, this spice is known to have powerful anti-inflammatory properties, it calms pain,  regulates blood sugar levels , relieves nausea, facilitates digestion and soothes the symptoms of common cold.

Coconut milk:  Rich in vitamin B and fatty acids which regulate blood sugar, coconut milk soothes joint pain. It is also an excellent slimming ally!

Coconut oil:  Rich in saturated fatty acids,  coconut oil  is an excellent healing agent and a powerful anti-inflammatory. Additionally, it boosts immunity, helps digestion, moisturizes your skin, and prevents liver and kidney diseases.

Black pepper:  This  spice  promotes the absorption of turmeric. In addition, it treats cold symptoms, helps digestion and fights anemia.

Easy, quick and effective, this turmeric remedy will do your metabolism a lot of good!


Turmeric is not recommended for people taking anticoagulant treatment or for those who have undergone surgery, this spice is a natural thinner. People who suffer from gallbladder disease should not consume turmeric. In high doses, it can cause dry mouth, bloating, and possible heartburn.

In case of overdose, ginger can cause heartburn, bloating, nausea, diarrhea and heavy periods. It is also not recommended for frail people, people suffering from blood diseases and pregnant women.

Coconut milk has a high saturated fat content so it is best to limit its consumption.

Black pepper irritates the mucous membranes, so it is not recommended in cases of gastritis, ulcers or hemorrhoids.