
5 effective tricks to get rid of cockroaches forever

By liliaturcin5

If you are having problems with cockroaches invading your home and before calling a professional exterminator to deal with the problem, there is a lot we can do to exterminate them.

Especially, if we prefer natural or homemade solutions, below we will learn some tricks or ecological remedies to NOT resort to harmful products.

5 Effective tricks to get rid of cockroaches forever

These are effective and natural methods that will greatly help eliminate cockroaches. Let’s look at 5 methods or tricks to put an end to them.

As a main measure, we can mention that home cleanliness and maintenance are essential so that cockroaches are not attracted.

As we well know, food remains and dirt invite them to enter the house, so having everything spotless neutralizes them.

Let’s review the following tricks:

1- Boric acid:

  • To use it, first of all you must handle it with great care and preferably use gloves. To do this, mix a little boric acid with sugar or flour.
  • We integrate it well with both ingredients and put it in a small mold, then we place it in the areas where you have seen cockroaches. That is, in strategic places where we generally see them.
  • We’ll give it a few hours and the results will be amazing!

NOTE:  It is important to take care when using boric acid, whether with gloves or even a mask. Likewise, DO NOT leave it within the reach of children and pets.

2- Bay leaves:

  • Crushed bay leaves can act as a natural cockroach repellent. Simply spread crushed bay leaves over areas where you suspect cockroaches are hiding.
  • Not only is the environment aromatized, but we also scare away cockroaches.

3- Soapy water:

  • Cockroaches are attracted to water, so filling a spray bottle with soapy water is a great way to destroy them.
  • We simply proceed to spray soapy water in areas where cockroaches can hide, such as behind appliances and in closets, among others.

We recommend: Trick to get rid of cockroaches and eggs (even inside appliances)

4- Cucumber peels:

  • Without a doubt, cucumber peels are a natural repellent for cockroaches. Simply place cucumber peels in areas where you have seen cockroaches and they will quickly move away.

5- Place traps:

  • Cockroach traps are a very effective way to destroy these pests. Therefore, when you place traps in areas where you suspect cockroaches are hiding, you must check them regularly.
  • When you find a cockroach in the trap, it should be disposed of immediately.

Using these 5 home tricks, you can effectively get rid of cockroaches in your home without using harsh chemicals.

Keep in mind that it may take some time to completely eliminate cockroaches, so be persistent in your efforts.

Eliminate cockroaches with onion

Some people claim that onion can be used as a natural cockroach repellent due to its strong and unpleasant odor.

If you want to try this method, here is a suggestion of how you could do it:

  1. Make an onion solution: You can do this by chopping an onion into small pieces and mixing it with hot water to create a concentrated extract. Let the mixture sit for a few hours so the scent can infuse into the water.
  2. Spray the solution on problem areas: Using a sprayer, apply the onion solution to places where you have seen cockroaches or where you suspect they may be hiding, such as cracks, dark corners, and nooks behind appliances.
  3. Clean and maintain hygiene: Onion can temporarily repel cockroaches, but for a more effective and long-term solution, it is important to maintain good hygiene in your home. Clean regularly, avoid the buildup of crumbs and food waste, and close any access points that cockroaches may use to enter your home.

It is essential to remember that cockroaches are hardy insects and can quickly adapt to certain repellents, including onion. Therefore, if you have a serious or persistent infestation, it is best to contact pest control professionals to provide you with more effective and safe solutions.