
Anthurium, with this move your plant will flower all year round without interruption

By liliaturcin5

The anthurium plant is very popular among people, because it has very bright and particular flowers and colors. Let’s discover the natural technique to have constant flowering of this plant.

Maybe not everyone knows about anthurium  or  anthurium plant. However, it is becoming more and more popular in Italian homes. We talked about the house, not by coincidence. In fact, anthurium is an ideal houseplant and prefers to live indoors rather than outdoors.

The anthurium plant is quite recognizable, even to those who are inexperienced in the field. In fact, it is characterized by the presence of an  upturned leaf of bright and very strong color  . From there then emerges a sort of ear with elongated shapes. There is no single type of anthurium, but in nature there are  more than 500  , each of which can have different structures and colors.

The plant is native to tropical regions of Central and South America and, therefore,  suffers greatly from low temperatures  . Already below 15°, in fact, it could be in difficulty. Planted in a pot inside the apartment and maintained with the right methods, the anthurium can have  massive flowering  and bring life to your living space.

In this article, we let you discover the  ideal natural technique to ensure long-lasting flowering for your anthurium plant  . Here is the main ingredient you will need to best fertilize this houseplant. Let’s go through all the steps you will need to follow carefully.

Anthurium plant still in bloom – here is the incredible natural technique

Anthurium, as mentioned, needs high temperatures and also quite high humidity  It will be very important  to never let the sun’s rays  directly touch the leaves of this plant. In fact, they could turn black and the plant – in the most severe cases – could even die.


The soil that the anthurium needs to grow best should be composed of  peat and sand  . It will also be important to ensure the right fertilizer for the anthurium, as with any other plant. As mentioned, the plant needs excellent humidity levels. Especially during the hot months, it will therefore be important to ensure sufficient water for the plant.

Touch the ground and assess whether it is dry or wet. This will be the best solution to understand if and when to water the anthurium plant.

Below we want to mention the extraordinary importance of an  all-natural fertilizer  . You will avoid buying the fertilizer in a garden store and create yourself a mixture with incredible beneficial effects for your anthurium plant.

The ingredient you will need to have excellent and consistent flowering of your anthurium plant will be  onion  . Let’s discover the incredible properties of this product for your anthurium plant and  how to create a natural fertilizer  with it. Here are all the details.

Natural onion fertilizer: here’s how to ensure maximum flowering for the plant

We just mentioned the onion. It not only brings benefits to our body, but  also stimulates the growth and flowering  of various plants, such as anthurium. Onions have the right level of acidity and allow the soil to increase its pH. In addition, they have  vitamin C  ,  phosphorus and potassium  , favoring the absorption of good nutritional principles by the plant.


Get a jar,  cut one or more onions into small pieces  and put everything in it. At this point, also add about  500 milliliters of water  . Put everything in a blender and run this tool. The resulting liquid will be very useful for irrigating the anthurium plant  as needed.

This will give better results than just dousing it with water. This  natural fertilizer  based on onion  , in fact, will guarantee the good organic properties to the plant, favoring its growth and constant flowering.

In addition, onions also have  excellent antibacterial properties  and help best protect the anthurium from the risk of infestation by insects and parasites. They will therefore eliminate the risk of the plant becoming sick.

You will want to water your anthurium plant  evenly around the root  . You can repeat this at least once a week. Your plant will benefit greatly and will always flower.