
The quick method to reproduce basil and always have a supply of it on hand

By liliaturcin5

Basil (Ocimum basilicum) is one of the most loved and used aromatic plants in cooking due to its delicious flavor and aroma. In addition to being an essential ingredient in various recipes, basil also offers health benefits and has medicinal properties.

Having this aromatic plant in our home is an excellent idea, since it allows us to enjoy its freshness and flavor in our culinary preparations quickly and conveniently.

In this article, we will discover a quick and effective method to reproduce basil, which will allow us to keep a constant supply of this plant always on hand.

Benefits of having basil in the home

Before diving into the reproduction method, it is important to highlight the benefits of having basil in our home:

-Flavorizes and enhances your dishes: Basil adds a fresh aroma and distinctive flavor to a wide variety of dishes, from salads and pastas to soups and sauces.

-Medicinal properties: Basil contains antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds that can provide health benefits, such as reducing stress and inflammation.

-Easy to grow at home: Basil is a plant that can be easily grown in pots or in the garden, making it an ideal option to have in the home.

Quick method to reproduce basil

To ensure we have a constant supply of basil in our home, we can reproduce it through cuttings. This method is quick and effective, and does not require much effort. Here are the steps to carry it out:

1-Choose the cutting:

Select a healthy and vigorous basil branch to reproduce. The cutting should be at least 10 centimeters long and should be cut just below a node (the place where the leaves grow).

2-Preparation of the cutting:

Remove the bottom leaves from the cutting, leaving only a few at the top. This will ensure that the plant focuses its energy on developing new roots.

3-Place the cutting in water:

Fill a glass with water and place the basil cutting in it, so that the lower nodes are submerged. Place the glass in a bright place, but without direct sunlight.

4-Care and patience:

Change the water in the glass every two days to keep it fresh and ensure good oxygenation. In a few weeks, roots will begin to form on the cutting.

5-Transplant into soil:

Once the cutting has developed enough roots (about 2 inches long), transplant it into a pot or garden, making sure it is well drained.

6-Continuous cultivation:

As the plant establishes and grows, you will be able to steadily harvest the top leaves, and the plant will continue to produce new leaves so you always have a fresh supply of basil on hand.

Reproducing basil by cuttings in a glass of water is a quick and effective way to have a constant supply of this aromatic plant in our home.

With a little care and patience, we can enjoy the freshness and flavor of basil in our culinary preparations and enjoy its health benefits at all times. So don’t wait any longer and start growing your own supply of basil at home!