
Burn 1 sprig of rosemary at home and see what happens after 10 minutes

By liliaturcin5

When we prepare something to offer to our guests or even just for ourselves, we tend to look for ways to make our dishes more and more tasty and for this reason we use many ingredients.

Among those that give the most flavor to our dishes,  herbs  and  aromatic plants  have been used since Antiquity to give an extra touch to foods and make them more delicious and succulent.

Rosemary: that’s what burning the branches is for

Among the most used aromatic plants is  rosemary  which adapts easily to roasts and potatoes and which is found either directly on twigs or in already cleaned needles for sale in bulbs.

Originally from the  Mediterranean regions,  where it has also become its symbol, its name means dew of the sea and derives from the Latin  ros marinus  and was entrusted to it because of the color of its flowers.

In addition to culinary use, this  aromatic shrub  has often been used in many ceremonies as an ornament because of its beauty but also as an antiseptic, particularly to purify areas affected by pandemics, such as the plague.

Rosemary: this is what happens when you burn a branch

The ancient Greeks used rosemary wreaths to develop cognitive abilities and even in the past there was a  doctor,  whose name was  Kneipp  , who gave his patients enolith  in  the form of a prescription.

It is a liquid obtained from the maceration of a few branches of rosemary with white wine and according to this doctor it was useful to avoid fatigue and against dizziness, rheumatism and other ailments.

Additionally, rosemary has antioxidant, diuretic, choleric, antispasmodic and digestive properties and is also used in oil form, combined with almond oil as a solution for stretch marks.

The benefits of the aromatic plant

This aromatic plant is also considered a beauty ally because it strengthens the scalp of the hair and helps to make it shiny and mask aging by delaying the appearance of white hair.

In fact, rosemary is also famous for the fact that it tends to mask the signs of aging and everything that can come with it and is also useful for boosting memory and for its relaxing effects.

For this reason, many tend to take a twig and burn it and wait up to 10 minutes for all the steam and smell born from the  combustion  to be released into the room where it took place.

Rosemary: this is what happens when you burn a branch

We will see how the smell of this  burnt rosemary  will have beneficial properties on our body and will help us to concentrate and stimulate memory and will also have an effect on our mood.

In fact, it seems that the smell of  rosemary,  especially when burned, tends to make people happy and it should come as no surprise that when faced with chicken and potatoes, we tend to s. ‘inflame especially if you smell rosemary inside.

So when you have memory problems or feel depressed, just smell a little  rosemary  and if you have any twigs, burn them and your day will change in the blink of an eye.