
12 anti-mosquito plants that you can have inside your home

By liliaturcin5

Thanks to these wonderful plants, we will say goodbye to the bites of these annoying insects. These anti-mosquito plants will be our salvation, we do not need to buy insecticides that only pollute. Some are not even effective.

How many times have these unpleasant insects bothered us, especially when there are humid days! If we don’t know what measures to take against these insects, don’t miss these powerful anti-mosquito plants.

Plants to repel mosquitoes

The following plants are considered the best mosquito repellents :


This is one of the most used anti-mosquito plants, as it releases a powerful aroma that is extremely unpleasant to them, causing them to flee immediately.


This beautiful aromatic plant is also one of the most used, since its delicious aroma will not only make mosquitoes leave.

It will leave a pleasant perfume in our home, giving perfect harmony to all our environments with its aroma.


You have surely heard of this plant, since it is widely used in gastronomy. However, its intense aroma is a powerful natural repellent of insects in general.

We recommend: How to make a homemade mosquito repellent


This plant is well known as it is used to reduce inflammation, heal wounds and is a powerful antiseptic. But not only that, it also fights mosquitoes.

The flowers of this wonderful plant give off a powerful aroma that displeases these insects, making them desist from invading our home.


Widely known for being used in gastronomy, this plant has no waste. Its powerful aroma can scare away any type of insect.

The key is to put them in pots near the window, these act as natural barriers preventing the possible entry of insects there.


It is a very popular plant, widely known for its freshness. Its aroma absolutely repels mosquitoes, which is why it is highly recommended to have it in the gardens.


This is another powerful plant, repellent of the most well-known insects such as mosquitoes, flies, ants and even beetles.

It is widely used by farmers to eliminate pests naturally, since it is very effective.


Pennyroyal is well known for its extensive digestive power, however it can also be a great natural mosquito repellent.

This plant has an organic component, very effective against any type of insects.


Geranium is known for its fresh lemon smell, this is an effective plant against mosquitoes, flies and gnats. In addition, its intense colors will brighten our home.


This aromatic plant is widely used in food, however not everyone knows its effectiveness in repelling all kinds of insects.

It is proven that oregano oil consists of several components that make it a powerful insect repellent. 


Many of us know about the anti-inflammatory powers of garlic. Its intense aroma will make mosquitoes flee in terror. 

Some, to scare away mosquitoes, crush garlic and then mix it with water, put it in a spray and spray the exterior walls of your home at the times when these bugs usually appear.