
Anthurium, just one sachet per month will explode a lot of flowers

By liliaturcin5

Want a very flowery Anthurium? You must get this sachet: if you use it every month, you will have spectacular flowering.

If you want  an Anthurium that always blooms,  you must use this technique that only expert green fingers know: this way,  many flowers will be born.

Anthurium, characteristics of this beautiful houseplant

The Anthurium is a splendid plant  that adapts perfectly to all environments, even  an apartment  , if you know how to take care of it in the right way.

This indoor plant does not require special attention and with its  colorful flowers  it brightens and colors your interior. Speaking of flowers, did you know that  Anthurium can bloom all year round  ? Obviously, you need to practice certain techniques for the flowering process to take place.

Anthurium in bloom

For example,  be careful where you place your plant  . The anthurium, native to the tropical jungle, is quite  demanding in terms of ambient humidity.

Even though it is a  flowering plant  , it can suddenly stop being one. Why is Anthurium no longer flowering? One of the answers is:  it’s all due to the lack of humidity in the environment  .

Sometimes, to ensure flowering, you also need to fertilize your soil. The plant should never lack  the right nutrients  that are essential for it to grow strong and healthy.

If you also want  an Anthurium with lots of flowers,  keep reading. Today you will discover how  just one sachet can save your plant and make it explode with flowers.

The perfect technique for a very flowery Anthurium

Caring for an  Anthurium  is not very complicated. However, it is necessary to know perfectly  the characteristics of this plant  which, although very floriferous by nature, can stop chasing flowers at any time.

How to come? It is not always the fault of  lack of humidity, poor irrigation  or where we place our plant. If you have studied the characteristics of the Anthurium, you will know that it  needs the right humidity  to survive since it is a plant of tropical origin.

You will also know that it  wants lots of light but not direct sunlight  which burns the leaves and roots. Finally, you will also be aware that it  does not require too much water  . If you were already aware of this information and therefore think that you have taken care of the plant in the right way, but your  Anthurium is still not flowering  , then there is another problem: your plant  is lacking the necessary nutrients  .

How to solve the problem? With  natural fertilizer  ! Today we’re going to reveal the secret that only the most experienced green thumbs know. If you use this  sachet every month  , you will have an Anthurium full of flowers!

But  what do you need from a sachet to fertilize the soil  ? We’ll tell you right away: let’s talk about  tea bags. How do you use them? You can use two techniques. The first is  to bury the bags, which are biodegradable, directly in the soil  of your plant and carry out irrigation.

Tea bags to make Anthurium flower

The second, however, is  to open the tea bags and extract the spice contained inside and spread it in the soil of your Anthurium  . Then water your plant substrate normally.

Here is  your organic fertilizer  that you can use once a month. Tea contains  tannin,  a substance that  lowers the pH of the soil,  making it more acidic and conducive to flowering.

A well-fed Anthurium is one with lots of flowers. You can also use tea bags to  fertilize the soil of other plants  but not only that. Did you know they are also  an insect repellent  ? Hang them in the garden and enjoy the summer without thinking about having to fight against the flies and mosquitoes that infest our gardens in the heat.