
The apple pie by chef Antonino Cannavacciuolo

By liliaturcin5

The apple pie by chef Antonino Cannavacciuolo

The apple pie that we offer you today bears an important signature, that of one of the three great chefs protagonists of Masterchef Italia, namely the sanguine Antonino Cannavacciuolo.

It is a classic recipe, as everyone knows, and precisely because it is classic, it never disappoints. Below we see what is the interpretation of chef Cannavacciuolo.

The ingredients

For this delight you need these ingredients: 300 grams of double zero flour; 200 milliliters of natural yogurt; 180 grams of butter (at room temperature); 200 grams of granulated sugar; four apples; three eggs; the grated rind of a lemon, plus the juice of the same lemon, filtered; a sachet of baking powder; salt as needed; 70 grams of whole cane sugar.

The preparation

For this dessert à la Cannavacciuolo, you start by peeling three apples and then cutting them into cubes, after which they are watered with lemon juice (to prevent them from darkening with oxidation) and set aside.

The following step is to beat the eggs with the sugar until you obtain a smooth mixture with a light and frothy consistency, then add the yoghurt, stirring constantly, the double zero flour, the butter at room temperature, a pinch of salt, the zest of lemon and finally the yeast.

You have to work everything well until you get a compact, velvety and uniform compound, then add the apples (the diced ones), which you will have drained, incorporating them into the mass with a spatula.

Now pour the mixture into a buttered cake mold and garnish it on the surface with the last apple, which you will cut into thin slices and arrange in a classic radial pattern (or as you like), then sprinkle with brown sugar (if you like) and put in a preheated oven at 170 degrees for an hour.

To enjoy it to its fullest, it should be savored while still warm.

Have fun and bon appetit!