
Never eaten so tasty! I stuffed these peppers like this: the whole family liked them!

By liliaturcin5

Do you like dishes with contrasting tastes? Those that as soon as you taste them have a rustic touch reminiscent of our grandparents? Perfect, we have the right recipe for you. Peppers stuffed with tuna, rice and tomatoes will give you an extremely tasty and lively first course.

In fact it is a mix of external crunchiness and internal softness that gives an amazing result. Furthermore, since they do not contain excessive calories, these peppers meet the needs of those who follow a diet, as for once they will be able to do without being satisfied and indulge in a tasty and good dish without particular problems.

If you are worrying about the preparation you can calm down immediately, the procedure is even faster than you might think and it will only take you a few minutes.

The recipe for peppers stuffed with tuna, rice and tomatoes: never eaten so good!

Prep Time: 20 minutes
Cook Time: 30 minutes
Total Time: 50 minutes
Servings: 6


  • 6 medium peppers
  • 320 g of rice
  • 300 g of cherry tomatoes cut into cubes
  • 300 g of tuna in oil, drained well
  • 150 gr of soft cheese cut into cubes (such as Galbanino light)
  • A few tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil
  • A handful of diced olives
  • A few tablespoons of grated Parmesan
  • Just enough salt and pepper


  1. First, cook the rice in salted water, drain it al dente and let it cool in a clean bowl .
  2. Now wash and dry the peppers, open them on the side, clean them by removing the internal seeds and keep them aside for a moment.
  3. Now season the rice with a drizzle of oil, add the diced cherry tomatoes, the well-drained tuna and the diced olives, mix, add another drizzle of oil, the salt, a few tablespoons of grated Parmesan and the chopped soft cheese diced and stirred.
  4. Once this is done, season the inside of the peppers with salt and pepper and brush them with a little oil. Finally, fill them with the rice filling, sprinkle the surface with a little grated Parmesan and place them in a dripping pan previously lined with special paper.
  5. Finally put it to cook in a preheated oven for 20 minutes at a temperature of 180°C , at the end bring it to the table.