
How to scare away scorpions naturally

By liliaturcin5

According to an Institute of Biology, it informs us that all scorpions have venom. However, not all scorpions carry poison that is toxic to humans.

An urgent measure to keep in mind, if you are stung by a scorpion, you should try to clean the affected area with soap and, if possible, take a photo or capture to know what kind of scorpion we are talking about and before going to the hospital. doctor.

In view of the danger, it is best to keep these poisonous insects away from our home. Let’s see how to do it below:

Some recommendations to scare them away naturally without attacking them directly:

  • We must know that scorpions feed on ants, cockroaches, crickets, among other insects. The key is to eliminate these pests from the home.
  • One way to scare away scorpions is with spiders, chickens and birds, for example. Even plants help a lot, like lavender or other aromatics, because the smell keeps them away. It can be reinforced with lavender essence to scare them away.
  • Another fundamental measure is home cleaning that keeps scorpions away. For example; Leave the dishes and kitchen very clean before going to sleep, as well as the other spaces in our house.

Other more drastic measures to scare away scorpions:

  1. Let’s start by placing grates in the kitchen and bathroom drains. We must also cover the drains so that the scorpions have no way of entering.
  2.  Another measure is to fumigate 2 to 3 times a year to exterminate all types of insects.
  3. One suggestion is to shake our clothes well before getting dressed, especially if they are clothes that we haven’t worn in a while, we should check them properly.
  4. Another tip is not to walk barefoot, it is very dangerous to step on them because they will react in defense.
  5. Nor leave clothes lying on the floor like bedding.
  6. Let’s avoid accumulating garbage of all kinds, odors undoubtedly attract these types of insects.
  7. If we do any renovations in our house, we must get rid of the earth, pieces of wood and other materials as quickly as possible.

Let’s apply these measures and protect our home from these predators naturally!