
Always huge and juicy lemons with the old farmer’s method: try it now

By liliaturcin5

Let’s find out how to get consistently huge and juicy lemons. Here are all the details on a trick used by farmers. Many people choose to grow one or more lemon trees  in their garden or in a pot on the balcony. These citrus fruits are used in many cooking recipes, as they are able to guarantee very aromatic flavors to various dishes.

If you don’t want to go to the supermarket or greengrocer every time to buy these fruits, you can opt for  self-cultivation  of lemons directly at home. In fact, a similar plant can be grown in a simple and practical way, whether you have a garden or just a terrace or balcony.

In order to grow lemons in the best possible way, there are specific conditions that must be met. First of all, it is essential that the  soil is rich in organic matter and has excellent drainage capacity  . Exposure to the sun for many hours of the day should also always be guaranteed for the lemon tree.

In fact, these citrus fruits  like to receive direct sunlight for at least 8 hours a day  . Choosing the right place to plant the plant in a pot or in the garden is therefore absolutely essential.

In this article, however, we want to show you an  ancient method used by farmers  to grow the plant healthy and strong, always getting huge and juicy lemons. Here’s everything you need to know.

Lemons always huge and juicy: this is the trick used by farmers

In addition, lemon trees do not like soils that are too clayey or limestone. It will be important to choose a crop on fertile, medium-textured soil. Watering the plant is  also very important. The lemon tree, to grow healthy and strong, needs a lot of water. Regular watering is therefore essential. Excess water, however, can cause some stagnation which can lead to root rot.


You must therefore always do things correctly so that the plant grows at its best and to always obtain abundant fruits rich in vitamins. The quality of the soil – with a rich presence of mineral salts – and correct irrigation and exposure to the sun are  the elements that must always be respected  to make your lemon tree grow as well as possible.

As mentioned,  cultivation  can take place not only in the ground, but also  in pots  . It will be appropriate to choose a fairly deep vase, while the width will have a less relevant role in this sense. You will also need to choose specific soil for growing citrus trees in pots and water the plant regularly, especially during the warm months.

In this article, however, we take you to discover an incredible  farmer’s tip  to always have large, juicy fruits. Here is the procedure to adopt.

The brilliant method

If you want to grow lemons faster, farmers have “designed” a method that you can also follow in growing this plant at home. You will need  lemon seeds  ,  a saucepan and plain water  . Let’s discover all the steps to be carried out scrupulously.

Lemon plant

The first thing to do is take some fresh lemons and squeeze them. Only in this way, in fact, can you obtain and harvest the  lemon seeds  necessary to implement this method used by farmers. Carefully separate the remaining lemon pulp.

The lemon seeds will therefore be  rinsed well and left in plenty of water  for several hours. This process will promote their rapid germination. At this point, all you need to do is remove the lemon seeds from the water and let them dry on a kitchen towel for a few hours.

Then take the  pot and  place the seeds inside. Simply fill everything with  soil rich in mineral salts  and ideal for generic citrus growing. The seeds will be planted and covered with a layer of this soil.

This is the way to  sow  and obtain a healthy and strong lemon tree. At this point you will need to place the pot with the soil and seeds in a well-lit space on your balcony, so that it can be “hit” by the sun for at least 7-8 hours a day. You will get large and juicy lemons in the future. Easy, right?