
Vegetable garden, here is the only very powerful natural protection against diseases and parasi

By liliaturcin5

The vegetable garden is protection against diseases and parasites. Here is the natural ingredient that will save plants and fruits from the attack of dangerous microorganisms.

How to protect  your garden against diseases and pests  ? Here is the only and most powerful  natural protection  that will make your plants and fruits untouchable.

How to protect plants and fruits with natural remedies

Those who are lucky enough to have  a garden or vegetable patch  know how much attention and dedication must be devoted to that small  plot of land  that you will happily have filled with  plants, flowers, fruits and vegetables  waiting to flourish. be harvested.

Cultivated vegetable garden

If there is one nightmare that brings everyone together, whether they have an expert green thumb or a novice, it is that of the  pests  that have often  ruined our crops or made plants and flowers sick.

Don’t worry, it’s happened to everyone:  caterpillars, aphids and snails  are ready to infest your garden. Do you know that you can  get rid of pests  and at the same time prevent your plants from getting sick  simply by using natural remedies  ?

Today we want to tell you about this, how  to fight pests and diseases  with  a natural ingredient  that will make your plants immortal. Here are all the tips you won’t be able to do without.

The vegetable garden is natural protection against diseases and parasites

Those who have a garden  have always waged a war that they cannot always win, that against  pests and diseases  . Unfortunately, these often lead to the  death of our plants  . It is true that there are truly endless products on the market to ensure that our green jewelry can survive as long as possible.

However, it is also true that  there are natural remedies  that can give you the same result. Do you know  how to protect your garden from pests and diseases  in an environmentally friendly way? We are here to  tell you a secret  that will change your life forever.

There is one ingredient  in particular that will help you  have a beautiful vegetable garden  . An ingredient that can be considered  a powerful remedy against diseases and parasites  : it is  sodium bicarbonate  .

Baking soda can become your ally in the garden and beyond. This extraordinary white powder is capable of  successfully fighting weeds, diseases and  various parasites that attack plants and damage flowers, fruits and vegetables.

Do you know why this is extraordinary? Not only because it will help solve all the above problems but above all because it  acts effectively without harming the environment, plant products and useful insects  in a vegetable garden such as bees.

Sodium bicarbonate  is a 100% natural product  with which various ecological phytosanitary products can be manufactured  If your goal is  to take care of your garden and do it organically  , then you’ve come to the right place. Baking soda  prevents the appearance of parasites and pathogens that attack plants.

It works  by increasing the pH of the leaves  and preventing the germination of very dangerous fungal spores. You can safely use it to  protect flowers, fruits and vegetables from pests such as bedbugs, slugs, aphids and spider mites  , to name a few.

But bicarbonate is also perfect for  protecting plants from  important plant diseases such as  anthracnose and bacteriosis  . Baking soda remedies are easy to prepare, quick, and extremely inexpensive.

The experts’ advice is to  administer preventive treatments based on bicarbonate to the plants  or to intervene suddenly as soon as a particular symptom is identified (yellow or holey leaves, engraved stem).

The first remedy that we offer you is really simple to implement. All you need  to do is dissolve 50 grams of baking soda in 10 liters of water  . Mix well and pour the solution into a nebulizer.

Spray the product on your plants or on the ground  . We advise you to use this product  especially after a storm  because it is precisely on these occasions that, due to humidity,  the risk for plants of contracting fungal diseases increases  .

However, we also want to tell you about a  second, equally effective remedy  . You will still need  baking soda  but also another ingredient:  milk  . What happens if  you combine these two products together  ? Simple answer: a super powerful pesticide  comes out.

In this case, you will need to pour  1 tablespoon of baking soda into a liter of milk  then add  10 liters of water. If you have noticed that the leaves of your plants have holes,  act immediately by spraying this solution  on them to prevent the disease from spreading quickly.

Milk has antibiotic properties  , did you know that? When combined with  baking soda  , it really is  a super powerful remedy  . You can use this solution even once a week.

Among other things, milk is an excellent fertilizer for plants  : this ingredient will therefore not only care for them but also promote their growth. Baking soda  on the other hand, even alone  is perfect for removing pesticides from vegetables and fruits  .

In this regard, did you know that it  eliminates up to 98% of chemical pesticides  present on the products you buy even in supermarkets? We advise you to  always wash them with water and baking soda before consuming them. In short, if you want to protect your garden against diseases and pests, these ingredients are essential.