
Potent organic supplement for tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers – doubles them all

By liliaturcin5

To grow as well as possible and enrich the cultivation of tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers, this organic supplement is very powerful.

Do you grow  tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers  in your private garden or vegetable patch? Definitely a great way to have healthy foods on hand. However, there are a few little things these crops require to grow healthy and strong in quantity. Industry experts recommend a powerful, all-natural organic supplement. An  ingredient  that finds its place every day in a prudent diet and in the domestic refrigerator.

Powerful organic supplement ingredient for plants

In order to have a good harvest of  peppers, tomatoes and cucumbers,  there is a natural ingredient to use as an organic fertilizer. It is a unique product of its kind, rich in mineral salts and vitamins. Not only that, it is used in the daily diet and is certainly an ingredient that finds room for the well-being of the body.

In this case,  experts recommend  using it twice a week to feed crops. An excellent supplement without preservatives or chemical agents that can pollute the soil and obviously also the protagonist vegetables.

The main ingredient is  classic white yogurt  , a dairy product made from the bacterial fermentation of milk. The benefits are not only for the health of the body but also for that of the plants. There are some good bacteria that need to be constantly fed to fix nitrogen.

plain yogurt

In a recent research conducted at the  University of Washington,  it was discovered that probiotics are great for fixing nitrogen in plants, thus improving their development in a healthy way.

Plant yogurt, how to use it

This is why everyone started using yogurt in the garden and vegetable patch, in order to nourish the plants well and fight against mold and the attack  of bad bacteria  .

How to get the supplement?  Just a pot of yogurt in a liter of water, mixing the two ingredients well. Immediately afterwards, you can decide whether to water the soil directly or mist the leaves using a spray bottle.

Organic supplement

The best method is to use it every day on the leaves, but it can also be used twice a week to supplement the soil and make it  stronger and more nourished.

It’s certainly a great way to help good bacteria do their job, increasing soil fertility and fixing nitrogen. The  method is generic  , according to the advice of nurserymen in the sector. To apply it in the garden or on plants, it is better to seek advice from your trusted nurseryman, in order to have a personalized yogurt-based recipe.

However, the ingredient is natural  and does not harm any crops, on the contrary, it is optimal for nutrition and contrast in the formation of mold.