
Place it where you plant cucumbers and they immediately come to life – they grow profusely

By liliaturcin5

Do you like cucumbers and would like to grow them and get a good harvest? Here’s what you can use to give the plant strength.

Ingredient for cucumbers

Excellent food for the intestines as it is purifying and purifying. Cucumber is very popular for its properties and for this reason it is advisable to include it in the diet.  This food has a very cleansing  effect thanks to its water and potassium content   and, when consumed regularly, helps to eliminate toxins and waste products that cause water retention and acidity in the blood, slow down metabolism and promote the development of cellulite.

Due to its exceptional cleansing effect, cucumber is  ideal for consumption  in salads or as an addition to other delicious recipes. But how do you ensure good care at home? Growing it is easy, but to  get a rich harvest and tasty fruits  , you need to use a natural fertilizer made specifically from onion peels. Here’s how!


Properties of onion peel

Onion peels are a great natural ingredient and an excellent fertilizer for plants, especially cucumbers. Few people know, but onion peels are  an excellent addition to the soil  and do an excellent job of  obtaining high quality cucumbers in good quantities  .

Onion peels, both dried and natural, are free because you can use them from the onions you buy in the supermarket and  save money  . They allow you to easily prepare a liquid solution or infusion to nourish the soil, ensuring efficiency and versatility, much better than other expensive fertilizers.

Onion peel for cucumbers

It’s a great idea to help cucumber plants grow and develop well, and you can only do this with natural fertilizer. By using a natural fertilizer, you save a lot of money and also ensure that  organic food  that is grown without substances harmful to health is served on the table. How to use the onion peel to get cucumbers in large quantities and also tasty? Here’s how:

  • Take  1 handful of chopped onion peels;
  • Place them in the hole in the ground prepared for the plant.
  • Cover with soil  and then plant the cucumber;
  • Bring the soil close to the seedling and water it.

With this great help when planting the cucumber, you will ensure that the plant becomes strong and vigorous and grows luxuriantly. You can also use the peels to rid the plant of parasites by spreading them on the soil around the plant.

Liquid fertilizer with onion peels

Alternatively, you can also make a natural liquid fertilizer from onion peels. This is how you should proceed:

  • Take a handful  of chopped onion peels;
  • Place them in a  glass container.
  • Pour  in 1 liter of hot water;
  • Let the solution  steep for 6/12 hours.

After this time, filter the solution and water it  at the base of the plant every two weeks. Alternatively, you can spray the solution   on the leaves once every 10/14 days . Cucumbers will thrive and you will get an enviable harvest!


In addition to preparing the liquid fertilizer, you can make a real infusion with the onion peels  to heal the cucumber plants  and get a beautiful harvest   Here’s what you need to prepare the infusion:

  • 100 grams of onion peels;
  • 5 liters of warm water.

Mix the two ingredients and let the mixture steep for five days, then filter it.  This onion tea is then  sprayed on the cucumber plants at least three times every five days. You can use the solution  to remove mites, but also fleas, aphids and mosquitoes from plants  .

At the same time, it is ideal for watering cucumbers without causing the leaves to turn yellow. To prevent yellowing, spray  the onion infusion 2-3 times in the summer  using an ordinary watering can.