
Learn How To Grow Guavas From Guava Leaves

By liliaturcin5

Guavas, with their juicy flesh and sweet flavor, are a delicious and nutritious fruit. If you are a gardening enthusiast or simply curious about growing your own fruits at home, did you know that you can grow guavas from guava leaves? This is an interesting and economical method for growing these magnificent fruit trees. In this article, we will tell you how to grow guavas from guava leaves.

1. Choose Healthy Guava Leaves

First, make sure you choose healthy guava leaves. Fresh, disease-free leaves are essential for this process to be successful. You can collect leaves from a healthy guava tree in your own garden or ask a friend or neighbor if you can get a few.

2. Preparation of cuttings

Once you have your guava leaves, cut them into pieces approximately 6 to 8 inches long. Be sure to cut the leaves so that you retain part of the stem of each leaf, as this is where the roots will grow from. You can cut the leaves at an angle to make rooting easier.

3. Rooting cuttings

Place the guava leaf cuttings in a pot filled with well-draining potting soil. It is important to ensure that the soil is sufficiently moist but not soggy. You can add a little rooting hormone to improve the chances of success. Keep the pot in partial shade for a few weeks, ensuring the soil remains moist. You will need to be patient, as rooting can take several weeks or even months.

4. Transplanting young plants

Once the cuttings have developed strong roots, you can transplant them into individual pots or directly into your garden. Young guava plants are sensitive to bad weather, so be sure to provide them with shelter from strong winds and hot sun during the first few months of their growth.

5. Care of young plants

Young guava plants require special care to ensure their healthy growth. Be sure to water them regularly, but avoid flooding them. Also provide them with a balanced fertilizer to promote their development. Guavas prefer well-drained, slightly acidic soil, so make sure their growing environment meets these needs.

6. Pruning and maintenance

When your guava tree has reached a height of about 3 feet, you can begin pruning it to encourage denser growth and better fruit production. Remove dead or diseased branches and prune the tree to maintain an airy shape. This will also allow sunlight to penetrate the tree, promoting fruit ripening.

7. Harvesting guavas

Once your guava tree has reached maturity, you can enjoy harvesting delicious fresh guavas. Guavas are ready to harvest when they are firm to the touch but yield slightly to pressure. You can pick them by hand or cut them using gardening scissors.

In conclusion, growing guavas from guava leaves is an exciting project that can allow you to grow your own delicious fruits at home. By following these simple steps, you can have a thriving guava tree in your garden in no time. Remember to provide your tree with the necessary care to ensure its healthy growth and abundant fruit production. Enjoy your fresh, delicious guavas when harvest time arrives. Happy growing!