
Burning laurel what is esotericism for?

By liliaturcin5

Did you know the properties of this interesting leaf? Here we explain what burning bay leaves are for and what benefits it brings.

Bay leaves are widely used in cooking because they give a unique flavor to dishes .​​ But apart from that, what other advantages do these sheets offer ?

Burning laurel what is esotericism for?
Burning laurel what is esotericism for?

Laurel plant: characteristics and curiosities


This plant is a shrub that can reach between one and three meters in height, with many branches. Its leaves are pointed, leathery but flexible and shiny.

The fruits it produces are round, tiny and dark. It thrives in warm to temperate zones with semi-dry to dry climates , at altitudes between 10 and 2900 meters.

Bay leaf is also frequently used in cleansing and cosmetic treatments , as well as to improve our well – being beyond what we would expect .

Its main purpose is to soothe stomach pains and can be taken as an infusion .

Bay leaves are known to have many benefits, such as being calming and having anti-inflammatory properties.

Furthermore, as it is rich in minerals and vitamins such as iron, calcium, magnesium, zinc, potassium, phosphorus, vitamin A, riboflavin, niacin, eugenol and cineole, it strengthens the immune system.

It can be used in drinks, soups or stews, or even burned to produce vapors that help you feel better.

Although it may seem strange, this practice can be more beneficial than harmful, so let’s explore why it can be beneficial for you.

Benefits of burning bay leaves at home

Bay leaves can be burned not only to aromatize the air, but also to improve respiratory health.

The expectorant qualities of the plant help clear congested airways and rid them of bacteria, while purifying the atmosphere and increasing mental capacity.

It is essential not to inhale the vapors directly, but rather to let them circulate around the room; People with headaches may find comfort in this herb due to its anti-inflammatory properties, which can reduce their pain as well as any negative emotions.

Research has shown that this plant can be used to relieve headaches.

Studies conducted by the American Association of Nurse Anesthetists have revealed that the leaves of this plant contain a mixture of chemicals with the ability to relax the body and mind.

Using this plant regularly can help relieve uncomfortable and tense emotions, leading to a state of relaxation.

Research has found that linalool is present in large quantities, which can significantly reduce anxiety levels within 10 minutes of inhaling its vapors.

The leaves have been traditionally used as a home remedy to clear blocked airways and treat lung diseases.

They help reduce mucus and phlegm that can cause respiratory tract discomfort.

Instead of burning them, you can put them in clean water or use the oil extracted from them as a form of humidifier.

Here we list the 7 main benefits and how to apply bay leaf

1. Relief of Anxiety and Stress:
Bay leaf contains chemical compounds such as linalool, which when inhaled when the leaf is burned, have a calming effect on the body and mind. To take advantage of this benefit, you can burn bay leaves in a safe container and allow the smoke to disperse throughout the room. Breathe deeply and let the aroma relax you for at least 10 minutes.

2. Reduction of Inflammation:
Eugenol, present in bay leaves, is known for its anti-inflammatory properties. If you suffer from inflammation in the body, consider incorporating bay leaves into your diet or even making infusions with them. Additionally, you can use bay leaf in essential oil or ointments to apply directly to inflamed areas.

3. Strengthening the Immune System:
Eugenol also has antioxidant properties that help strengthen the immune system. To obtain this benefit, include bay leaves in your meals or prepare an infusion with them. A stronger immune system will help you better fight infections and diseases.

4. Prevention of Type 2 Diabetes:
Daily consumption of 1 to 3 grams of bay leaves can help regulate blood sugar levels and prevent type 2 diabetes. The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of bay leaves are also beneficial for those who already suffer from this disease.

5. Greater Mental Alertness:
In addition to its calming effects, bay leaves contain compounds such as cineole and elemicin, which stimulate the brain and increase mental alertness. Burning bay leaves in your home or workspace can be a great way to combat chronic fatigue and improve your focus.

6. Clearing the Respiratory Tracts:
If you suffer from nasal congestion or respiratory problems, it is not necessary to burn bay leaves. Instead, soak the leaves in hot water and breathe in the aroma released by the infusion. This will help clear mucus and phlegm, easing respiratory discomfort.

7. Enhancement of Mindfulness:
Bay leaves are known to improve a state of calm and mental alertness. Burning them in a quiet environment can help you achieve a state of meditation and mindfulness, which will be beneficial for your emotional and spiritual well-being.

Laurel is a versatile plant with multiple benefits for health and well-being. You can take advantage of its properties by burning its leaves to calm anxiety, strengthen the immune system and improve concentration. In addition, bay leaves can also be incorporated into infusions or in meal preparation to enjoy its medicinal benefits. Always remember to consult with a health professional before using bay leaf for therapeutic purposes, especially if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or have a pre-existing medical condition. Enjoy the magic of laurel and use it wisely to improve your quality of life naturally.