
Putting paper towels in the fridge: The trick that solves a big problem

By liliaturcin5

Many people spend a lot of time in the kitchen. Not only to prepare good dishes, but also to clean up, which often turns out to be very tedious. Ideally, of course, we would like to spend as little time as possible in order to enjoy more quality time with our loved ones. That’s good, we just have a few useful tips to share with you to give you a good breather!

We certainly learn something new every day when it comes to housework. In the end, it’s a kind of consolation: the more intensively you focus on maintaining the house, the more you manage to discover some unexpected tips and tricks. Whatever the case, we will always love the most sophisticated methods to minimize tasks and effort.

To help you smile again, here are some clever tips that can be of great use not only when cleaning the kitchen but also when preparing your next meal!

Paper towels in the refrigerator to make cleaning easier

Paper towels

Paper towels – Source: spm

Paper towels are especially useful for cleaning the plastic fruit and vegetable boxes at the bottom of the refrigerator as well as the refrigerator door shelves.

Their special feature: They catch the pieces of vegetables that fall off and absorb the excess moisture that    condenses in the refrigerator . Storing food in jars can leave sticky rings on the shelves.

Line these jars with paper. This may look unsightly, but it will save you a lot of work the next time you clean up.

Another tip: Wrap the shelves in the refrigerator with cling film. Remove the shelves, wash them thoroughly and dry them. Then wrap them in cling film. The next time you clean it, it is enough to replace the cling film.

Some tips for cooking and preparing pastries

If you added a lot of salt to the soup, don’t despair, you don’t have to start from scratch. Simply add two egg whites to your overly salty soup and the flavor will be balanced out. In fact, they absorb a lot of the salt. If the eggs don’t fit into the soup, you can simply spoon out the egg whites.


Protein – Source: spm

  • If you have a baked dessert, such as: If, for example, you cannot remove a cake from the mold, you must cool the surface of the mold. To do this, soak a piece of paper in cold water and place it on the mold.
  • How can you peel garlic more easily without much effort? Simply cut off the hard part and crush the garlic with the flat side of the knife. The skin peels off on its own.
  • How quickly to peel potatoes? Once the   potatoes   are cooked in their skins, drain them with paper and immediately throw them into a bowl of cold water. Thanks to this trick, the skin of the potatoes comes off easily.
  • Place a piece of paper under your   cutting board to   keep it in place when cutting vegetables or meat.
  • Use the oven to cook multiple eggs at the same time. Forget the classic hard-boiled egg recipe: put them in the oven at 150°C for 30 minutes. You can cook dozens of eggs at once!

A knife with a hot blade for cutting onions

cut the onions

Cutting onions – Source: spm

  • How to cut onions more efficiently? There are many tips for cutting an onion. One of them, probably the most used, is to rinse the knife and the onion with water or cut directly with a hot knife. If you want to get rid of the onion smell that lingers on your fingers, rub your hands with a slice of raw potato and then rinse them with cold water.

More tips:

Finely grated nutmeg

Do you have leftover nutmeg that is too small to grate? Use your pepper mill after grinding a portion of raw rice in it to clean it well.

Hardened sugar caught up

Have large hard blocks formed in your brown sugar? Place in a zippered grocery bag with 1 apple wedge. Store it in a dry place for 2 days and your sugar will regain its fluidity.

Rice warmed up to top

Your microwaved portion of rice will retain its full fluffiness if you place 1 ice cube on top before starting the timer. Remember to check if the rice is hot enough before serving!